
La Revista Cubana de Estomatología frente a la desinformación sobre la COVID-19
Denia Morales Navarro
Denia Morales Navarro
Ibraín Enrique Corrales-Reyes, Alain Manuel Chaple-Gil
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil, Josefa Dolores Miranda-Tarragó
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil, Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
La necesidad de exponer investigaciones que resuelvan los actuales problemas de la ciencia estomatológica

Los siete grandes problemas que atraviesa la ciencia, planteados por una encuesta realizada a 270 científicos investigadores a través una revista especializada, dictan que los científicos se ven “forzados” a realizar grandes descubrimientos, muchos estudios están mal diseñados, la revalidación de los estudios es muy poco habitual, la revisión por pares en ocasiones fracasa, el acceso a algunos artículos es costoso, la ciencia se puede trasmitir de forma errónea y que la vida de un joven investigador es muy estresante.

A diario nos enfrentamos al conflicto existente entre la teoría y la práctica, y en la ciencia estomatológica es bien palpable, ya que la revolución tecnológica de las últimas dos décadas y la aparición constante de materiales, medicamentos y terapéuticas han llevado al gremio estomatológico al consumo de muchas investigaciones. Pero, ¿existen realmente estudios que den respuesta a las interrogantes de nuestros problemas estomatológicos locales?

Las universidades y cátedras exigen a sus profesores la presentación de investigaciones para aumentar, obviamente, el prestigio y en ocasiones no se tiene en cuenta que la investigación no responde a interrogantes, conflictos y problemas locales que afectan de una manera u otra la calidad del desempeño de la asistencia odontológica. La repetición de investigaciones sobre situaciones que desde hace más de un siglo ya se conocen, la observación innecesaria de temas de los cuales sabemos cómo se comportarán, los conflictos de intereses y la carencia de ensayos que aporten nuevas y oportunas tendencias, son debilidades que deben ser corregidas.

Demostrar científicamente, desde la razón por la cual una consulta dental debe tener garantizada una temperatura determinada hasta el esclarecimiento del motivo de la no asistencia de pacientes a una clínica de alta demanda histórica; son conflictos prácticos que darían respuesta a problemas que afectan a profesionales del sector en diferentes latitudes.

El mundo actual demanda pesquisas que resuelvan problemas reales, respuestas, soluciones y mejoras para garantizar excelencia de asistencia y calidad de vida para los pacientes que demandan nuestros servicios.

Alain Manuel Chaple Gil, Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
La Estomatología ante el reto de la salud universalStomatology is a Health Science that is projected obeying contextual, political, social and organizational issues of health services, although it is recognized that it can be more effective if it is directed towards population health and develops in the setting of the strategy of Primary Health Care.1-3

Due to their professional profile, stomatologists (or dentists), technologists and technicians must contribute to the care of population health, demonstrating leadership within the health team, for decision making and the formulation of healthy public policies that benefit the population's oral health. at a local, national and global level. This makes knowledge and scientific updating essential not only in technical aspects but also in matters of public health, social sciences, behavioral sciences; as well as in bioethical principles and the right to health, so as to reinforce the commitment to social welfare.4-6

The actions for oral health care should be developed throughout the life cycle, adapt to different contexts and circumstances. To increase oral health levels, it is necessary to ensure that health professionals, the population and sectors of society assume a favorable behavior to their maintenance or recovery 1,7,8 and to employ more conservative technologies ─ in diagnosis, prevention and restoration─; together with the offer of quality services, accessible to the entire population, with projection and social impact.

The stomatological profession, at a global level, continues to provide greater attention to the so-called "art" that reveres the aesthetics of restorative treatments and tends to reduce the patient to the structure to be treated in the clinic, decontextualizing it from its social environment.
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Necesidad de exponer con calidad nuestros resultados científicos al mundoScientific communication pursues the objective of favoring the dissemination and exchange of research results; the way to achieve it is the scientific publication that must go a long way: from writing the manuscript, selecting the appropriate journal, passing the arbitration and, finally, submitting to the editorial process before publishing; what is described in a few words is very laborious.

In our times the interest of the professionals has increased to publish the results of their investigations; all this motivated by communicating the results of the research, obtaining recognition, moving to a higher category, responding to pressure from institutions, among others; but the experience and prestige of the Cuban stomatology is not yet reflected in the publications, there are reports that say so.

When the author has selected the journal, he should carefully study the guidelines for authors; in our magazine they are quite explanatory and with following them step by step, at least the formal aspect of the article is achieved; However, sometimes this does not happen, many authors do not take them into account and 80% of the articles before sending them to arbitration are rejected. Some may seem like a very drastic measure, but it is based on the fact that non-compliance with the aforementioned guidelines makes it difficult not only for the arbitrators to work from a scientific point of view, but also for the editorial process.

Among the most frequent errors found before sending the articles to arbitration are: unstructured summary, excess of words as well as tables and figures, as well as the recommended size of the latter, outdated bibliographic references, among others.

Once the article is submitted to arbitration, it is rigorous and discouraging for authors who receive the signs with displeasure, without realizing that the arbitrators work in an unrecognized and anonymous way, so that the article has greater quality and transparency.

Stomatologists must understand that the basic standards agreed upon globally by the scientific editors of biomedical journals are becoming more rigorous every day, so we are committed to increasing our publications with high quality in order to expose the work we carry out in Cuba to the world scientific community. in the world for the sake of oral health.
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó, Alain Manuel Chaple Gil
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil, Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
Un acercamiento a la salud bucalEach year at its inception includes new projects for the improvement of the lives of human beings, and the oral health of populations should never escape the priority of high exponents of states, governments, sectors of society, the economy and the inhabitants of each community in particular.1

The International Dental Federation (FDI) is one of the leading organizations in the efforts to promote oral health policies and actions in all corners of the planet.

Any management that can be carried out by decision-makers and beneficiaries of health, to enhance or improve it in all public spaces, can influence the perception of people about the importance of increasing their quality of life.2

The FDI was founded in 1900 in Paris, by a group of six illustrious dentists, headed by Dr. Charles Godon, of France. The initial idea was to organize regular dental congresses to advance the science and art of dentistry and focus the discussion on topics such as dental education, oral hygiene and public dental health. Therefore, long before the development of policies and health education was enshrined in the founding documents of the World Health Organization, the FDI began to develop curricula for the dental profession and strategies to bring oral health to people all over the world.3

An international awareness campaign created and launched by the FDI, adapted and promoted locally by national dental associations in more than 140 countries around the world was launched in 2013 to raise awareness about the importance of good oral health and its importance to safeguard health and general welfare.
Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila, Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil, Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
Un nuevo reto a la Integralidad.One of the great achievements of the Cuban Stomatology in the last 30 years is the Oral Cancer Detection Program (PDCB), created in the decade of the eighties of the last century, thanks to the effort and dedication of a group of professionals led by Professor Julio César Santana Garay. This Program has reached greater coverage with the inclusion of the learning of its methodology in the study programs of the career, and with its implementation by the stomatologists in each of the health areas of the Cuban national territory.

In our country, cancer is the first cause of death and of potential years of life lost; it is the cause that most lacerates the life expectancy at birth, and the first cause of mortality in the group of people over 60 years of age, so that every day increases the number of patients afflicted by this disease in the Cuban family. 1 Unfortunately, cancer of the head and neck is still an affectation that occurs in many people, and it is precisely the PDCB one of the tools that can help to change the adverse results that it can bring.

Transmit information, clarify the aspects that may disturb patients and family members, work on community intervention projects that arrive in a simple and accessible way to local actors and decision-makers, making viable the management of some basic technical elements, for those who wish to work with Seriousness and rigor in this field may not be an easy or desirable task; but it constitutes a professional challenge for the basic health team of each community2 where complementary actions aimed at achieving the integrality of a task can be encouraged and facilitated, whose purpose is to achieve a reduction in the incidence of oral cancer. .

Those who recognize the work of professionals who, like Dr. Santana, have begun and carry out the professional ethics and humanistic principles necessary to carry out this noble and worthy task, will not lose interest in the quality of life of patients diagnosed with the disease in any of their stages, as well as to watch over primary caregivers, their emotions or behaviors, their economy, physical symptoms, self-care, social life, relationship of couples, life project, physical appearance, rest and sleep.

Cancer not only afflicts the patient who suffers it, but also considerably affects his family.3 The oncological patient with advanced cancer, like his family, goes through several stages of transformation in the confrontation of the disease. This interaction between the patient and his family is a complex relationship, in which the patient suffers the alterations of the family, and the family suffers from the patient.4

Health promotion, prevention tasks, active research, the creation of educational materials, the inclusion and prioritization of the topic in various family and social spaces, the identification of problems, the design of strategies, and their evaluation, can not be left in no one's land or relapse on only one person.2

The feedback of the patient with oral cancer needs a revitalization that includes, in addition, to their primary caregivers, with the reception of the data regarding the behavior of the other oral diseases in those people, who by adverse special situations may have changed their styles of life.

It is time to jump to an upper echelon, where true science reaches the population and is realized within it with real understanding and an extensive participation of experts and affections. It is time to propitiate that the dynamic overcomes the aesthetic, and that the totality implicitly involves the participation of all parties. It is important that the human does not forget the support, and the accompaniment, as it is also necessary that science does not neglect training or research.2

Being a reference in Latin America is a challenge for the Cuban Stomatology, and to face it we need to carry out more preventive actions, exchange opinions on the progress of the Program in our country, and undertake strategies in the search for greater effectiveness, monitor with zeal the ethics and professional performance, and assimilate experiences that make us orient a little more towards success in this task.
Jorge Luis Bécquer Aguila, Gilda García Heredia, Estela de los Angeles Gispert Abreu
Ricardo Rodríguez Llanes, Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila, Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu, Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila
Alain Manuel Chaple Gil
Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate
Retos y posibilidades en la disminución de la mortalidad por cáncer bucalIn Cuba, cancer has been the leading cause of death since 2012 (Fig.). It has displaced cardiovascular diseases and has challenged us to change this panorama. This task is not the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Health alone, but of everyone; of the population with its self-care, of the territorial organizations, of the mass media, of the commerce, of the agriculture. Therefore, this challenge must be addressed in an integral manner.

Oral cancer is the sixth most common cause of death among all cancers in the world. In Cuba it is among the 10 most common in man, which has not escaped the growing trend of mortality from this disease and until the most correct strategy is found, prevention is the choice.

We must direct our efforts to prevention in all its aspects such as: education, health promotion, the diagnosis of potentially malignant disorders and detection in its early stages. This entails applying the most appropriate treatments and rehabilitating patients.

With regard to education, the most effective mechanisms should be sought to adequately motivate people to perform oral self-examination and become a habitual practice in families. Educate by example in relation to risk factors, insisting on the incorrect habit of smoking and the importance of an adequate diet.

The mouth has a very privileged location. The stomatologist in your work has to make a thorough and orderly examination of the mouth and detect any alteration, treat it or refer the patient to the appropriate specialist, it is essential and for this no additional resources are needed.

It is a humanitarian need to prevent a person from having oral cancer, because we avoid deformations and suffering for the person and their family. If we see it within the economic sphere, these treatments are very expensive for the country. From the social repercussions, because if the individual modifies its functional and psychic characteristics it stops contributing to society and also has implications in the family economy.

The challenge is to modify attitudes despite the aging population. We trust in the possibilities of reducing oral cancer mortality with the efforts of all, applying the scientific advances that are available to the entire population and mobilizing all the factors of society.
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
La Revista Cubana de Estomatología cumple 50 añosThe first issue of the Cuban Journal of Stomatology was published on June 30, 1964, although the first article related to this discipline in Cuba appeared in the Diario de La Habana, the 1st. March 1829

In 1868 the Surgical and Dentistry Medical Journal was founded, followed by several short journals and different names, always related to stomatology and the intention to disseminate the scientific advances of the profession.

The Cuban Journal of Stomatology, sponsored by the Cuban Society of Stomatology, maintains its operation to date with the mission of contributing to the dissemination of scientific research of Cuban stomatology and the rest of the world. It is indexed in WoK (SciELO Citation Index) since January 2001, SCOPUS, Ulrich's, LILACS, Latin American Index, Cubaciencias, SciELO, Latindex and CUMED. It is certified by CITMA since 2007. It uses Open Journal Systems, free management software and publication of journals developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under GNU General Public License with the principle that the free availability of the Research helps greater exchange and global knowledge.

The journal has been published in digital format since 1996 and on an online platform since 2012. It accepts for evaluation original research articles, systemic reviews, presentations or case reports, as well as any other variant of scientific communication, with prior approval of the editorial committee. Receive contributions in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

At present, the need to study the visibility of scientific publications and articles has increased, which conditions their subsequent impact. The number of scientific articles published is a useful indicator to measure the progress of the different spheres of science and technology in a country; above all, when it is based on the study of large international databases, which treasure the publications that its producers consider to be the most important in their respective thematic areas. Other scientists think that it is more interesting to know the impact of the authors than that of the articles, and there are authors who consider the factor of inappropriate and indiscriminate impact. However, universities, regions and countries remain interested in exploring what their visibility is.

To achieve greater scientific visibility, the articles must have high quality, with very rigorous selection and evaluation processes. Cuba has the strength of having stomatologists of high scientific level and that has to be reflected in its publications.

Fifty years after the publication of the Cuban Magazine of Stomatology, our main responsibility is to continue raising the demand and quality to achieve greater visibility and that in its pages the achievements of the Cuban stomatology are reflected, as well as the advances of other countries that want to publish in our magazine.
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó, Luisa Haydeé Alfonso Dreke
Expedición al conocimiento de una ciencia que reporta a la calidad de vidaBeing born, living, aging and dying with health is not a dream, but the future vision of man. It is impossible to separate health from the essence of man in the context of material, spiritual and moral aspects, without facing the main enemies of it: poverty, environmental deterioration, inadequate lifestyles and violence.

Primary health care should be part of the general development of society, is the key to achieving an acceptable level of health for all, which helps people achieve their own economic and social development.

Modern Dentistry has a fundamental objective: the conservation of dental tissues and oral diseases are increasingly more preventable in light of the development of current science.

Increase and improve integral dental care through actions of promotion, prevention, healing and rehabilitation on individuals, family, community and the environment, supported by community participation and intersectoriality, in order to achieve a better state of health. oral health, raise the quality of care and the satisfaction of the population, has been the objective of the II National Symposium: VISION HEALTH BUCKAL that was held in Havana in December 2013.

An exchange of experiences and debate was carried out by professionals from different provinces of Cuba on important topics: intersectoriality and population health, communication in health, quality of care, economic evaluation of preventive activities, promotion and prevention activities and its effects, different procedures and treatments of primary care. In addition, the influence of postmodernism on training and professional performance for oral health was assessed as a high risk, a subject much discussed by colleagues present. The treatment alternatives appear with a new Ayurvedic Medicine that monopolized the professional interest. We also included exhibitions of educational software that have contributed to the development of the educational process in different topics such as: Diagnosis of pain syndrome, dysfunction of the mandible, dental anomalies and dental trauma.

Once again science becomes clear, everything that is done for others, for humanity, for oral health, makes us every day better health professionals and to continue our vision: ORAL HEALTH.
Bertha González Fortes
Una antorcha que necesita mantenerse en altoRecently the Cuban Society of Stomatology, in the framework of the National Symposium «Vision Oral Health», held the II Workshop on Oral Cancer, in greeting on December 5, declared internationally by the Latin American Dental Federation (FOLA) as a day of struggle against that pathological entity throughout this region. This date was coincided with that of the onomastics of the illustrious Cuban scientist Dr. Julio César Santana Garay, in recognition of all the work he has done in this field.

A set of contextual factors has enabled Cuba to comprehensively address the prevention of this disease, and direct it to selected groups as well as to the population in general.

First, since the 1960s (the 20th century), the Cuban public health system provides free, accessible and universal medical and dental care through a coordinated national network of primary, secondary and tertiary services. This continuous attention is guaranteed by the Cuban constitution, and protects the right of people to receive adequate medical and dental care.

Second, the Cuban health approach is based on the principle that the prevention of diseases allows a more effective use of resources than the treatment of them once they manifest themselves. In Cuba, massive programs and campaigns have been developed, but the success has been in popular participation and we are all people. In general, these programs and campaigns have a biosychosocial focus, and not only an epidemiological one, so they consider a set of factors that create vulnerability and risks, as in the case of oral cancer.

Finally, the political will of the Ministry of Public Health and the Cuban government allows the establishment of interdisciplinary and intersectoral programs that are fundamental for the achievement and maintenance of the health of the population.

To this end, the National Program for the Prevention of Oral Cancer was created, and the intention is for it to work, but this requires awareness, not only of stomatologists, but of each
directive, of any organization and institution that is capable of carrying out the work as an important mission.

Transmit information, clarify the aspects that may disturb people, work on community intervention projects that arrive in a simple and accessible way to local actors and decision-makers, making viable the management of some basic technical elements for those who wish to work with seriousness and rigor in this field, it may not be an easy task for someone who is defeated before trying such a noble task. On the contrary, whoever recognizes the work that others like Dr. Santana have started, who has the professional ethic and the humanistic principles to carry out this worthy task, will not let the torch go out.

Health promotion, prevention tasks, active research, the creation of educational materials, the inclusion and prioritization of the topic in various family and social spaces, the identification of problems, the design of strategies, and their evaluation, they can not be left on anyone's land, nor should they weigh on just a couple of shoulders.

It is time to jump to an upper echelon, where true science reaches the population and is realized within it with real understanding and extensive participation of experts and affections. It is time to propitiate that the dynamic overcomes the aesthetic, and that the totality implicitly involves the participation of all parties. It is necessary that science does not leave behind training or research, as the human should not forget the support and accompaniment.

There are no recipes or easy answers, but the Oral Cancer Detection Program (PDCB) and its methodology put Cuba in an advantageous position before those countries with a lack of political will to solve health problems, with inadequate access to services of prevention and treatment, and in general with an inadequate and unbalanced infrastructure.

The fact of being a reference in Latin America is a challenge, and to face it we need to identify evidences regarding the pathogenesis, to carry out more preventive actions, to exchange opinions regarding the progress of the Program in our country, to undertake strategies in the search for greater effectiveness, and assimilate experiences that make us grow a little more in the direction of success.
Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila
En defensa de la calidadThe quality of health services is of interest not only for professionals and technicians belonging to this sector but also for states, governments that do not all assume this responsibility and the population in general. The Cuban government and state since 1959 have been involved in improving the health care of the people with minimum risks for both patients and health providers; has had as premise the wide access and the adequate use of the available resources to execute the actions. This has favored the development of stomatological care with social projection.

Stomatological services have undergone changes in the structure and processes to adapt to the socio-economic conditions of each period, in order to respond to needs with an approach based on vulnerable groups, without neglecting those of the population. Likewise, the quality of the training of human resources is ensured in order to make them fit to fulfill their social mandate.

We work on the evaluation and introduction of new health and biomedical technologies appropriate to our context. However, what has been achieved in the services must continue to improve the structure and performance dimensions, strengthen the teaching-research-assistance link, so that the population is satisfied and therefore continue to advance in the improvement of oral health indicators. Therefore, compliance with the quality standards of dental care is a priority in response to the strategy of the Ministry of Public Health to achieve excellence.
Lourdes Hernández Cuétara, Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Una intención suprema
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
Honor a quien honor mereceMaxillofacial Surgery in our country is a young specialty that enjoys excellent health. At 51 years of his birth, much has been done in Cuba with courage and sacrifice. Important has been the delivery of top figures that have made possible the recognition and prestige of this medical-stomatological specialty within and outside the island.

Worthy is to provide fair space for the recognition of those who have prestigious and prestigious Maxillofacial Surgery. Emerges, in this sense, the work deployed by the Cuban Society of Maxillofacial Surgery that tries to rescue the history of our specialty, of which almost nothing has been written, and dust off from oblivion the contribution of different personalities.

Among the deceased maxillofacial surgeons honored are Dr. Ana Larralde Pineda, the first Cuban maxillofacial woman, and Dr. Diego Meneses Almeida, who have been dedicated, respectively, the celebration of the first and second scientific conferences organized by the Society Cuban Maxillofacial Surgery in 2012. It is the objective of all colleagues to pay homage to them and equally to those who live, and even with advanced ages continue to contribute their experience and knowledge to the development of our specialty.

Our thoughts come to mind important figures such as Dr. Antonio Fernández Mirabal, who on September 27 made at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) the launch of his book History of Oncology in Cuba or Dr. Julio César Santana Garay, professor of our beloved Faculty of Stomatology of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, who recently received the Grand Prize awarded by the Annual Health Award, in its issue XXXVII, for the second edition of the book Atlas de pathología del oral complex, because the award-winning work provides an invaluable contribution to the academic preparation of health professionals, as it delves into aspects ranging from oral diseases to malformations and manifestations of general diseases, with emphasis on prevention and early diagnosis of oral cancer. The professor also received lauros within the category of scientific merit.

Many are the figures to revere, but step by step we will give everyone, in a unanimous gesture of respect, our tribute to the forgers of such a great feat: that of elevating the name of the Cuban maxillofacial surgery.
Denia Morales Navarro
Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó, Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Estomatología en Cuba y su encargo social
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu, Mirtha Herrera Nordet
Josefa Dolo Miranda Tarragó
Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila, Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Nuevo paradigma para la salud bucal
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu, Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila
Convención Internacional de Salud 2012
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Personas con necesidades especiales
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Relatoría del I Concurso Nacional de Historia de la Estomatología
Jorge Luis Bécquer Águila
Latinoamericana Federación Odontológica
Discurso pronunciado por el Dr. Castell-Florit en ocasión de celebrarse el Día de la Odontología Latinoamericana
Pastor Castell-Florit
Sociedad Cubana de Estomatología: antecedentes y proyecciones
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu
Luis Suárez Rosas
Primera Graduación de Especialistas de Estomatología General Integral formados en los servicios
Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu

La Revista Cubana de Estomatología, en su labor informativa, ha logrado convertirse en
la primera y más importante de su género para los estomatólogos cubanos, mediante la
publicación de artículos científicos de diferentes perfiles y especialidades.
En estos momentos se ejecutan importantes transformaciones en la Facultad de Estomatología del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, institución rectora metodológica nacional de la docencia estomatológica. Dichas modificaciones, referidas fundamentalmente a la actualización del programa de estudios de la carrera, se vienen ejecutando desde el año 1991, como es el caso de la introducción del  programa para la formación del especialista en Estomatología General Integral, que posibilita el egreso de los profesionales que requiere nuestro Sistema Nacional de Salud y permite, en sentido general, la actualización científico-técnica de todos los estomatólogos generales y especialistas de nuestro país. Nos complace presentarles un trabajo realizado por el colectivo de autores del Departamento de Estomatología de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos, titulado "Manual de terapéutica antimicrobiana en Estomatología: temas de actualización", que resulta de gran interés en Farmacología y Terapéutica para los profesionales de pregrado y posgrado; al mismo tiempo, significa un cambio en la estrategia habitual de la revista que nos  permite ampliar nuestro horizonte informativo y complacer los intereses de un mayor número de lectores.

Amado Rodríguez Calzadilla
Luis Delgado Méndez
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