Scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Dentistry: 2009-2013


  • Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana
  • Lourdes Hernández Cuétara Departamento de Estomatología Facultad Dr. Miguel Enríquez
  • Eglys Trujillo Miranda Servicio ORL Hospital Manuel Fajardo
  • Irene Rodríguez Pérez Departamento de Histología ICBP “Victoria de Girón”
  • Luisa Haydee Alfonso Dreke Editorial Ciencias Médicas


bibliometric indicators, impact, scientific production, dentistry, journal.


Introduction: bibliometric indicators allow characterizing the scientific production of a journal.
Objective: describe the scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Dentistry from 2009 to 2013.
Method: a descriptive, transversal study was conducted. All articles published in the Cuban Journal of Dentistry from 2009 to 2013 were selected. The type and number of papers, thematic, authors and their country of origin, bibliographyc updating, and the impact factor were variables studied. SciELO Cuba was used to obtain the information. The absolute frequencies and the percentage from the descriptive statistics were used. The results obtained were presented in tables and graphs for their better interpretation.
Results: 226 papers were published, 114 were original articles, 20 were bibliographic reviews, 60 were report of clinical case, 14 were on pedagogy and history, and 18 on others. There were 758 authors: 161 Cuban authors, 43 Brazilian, 11 Colombian, 4 Mexicans, 3 Chileans, 2 Venezuelans, 1 Argentines and 1 Peruvian. 93 articles were on oral surgery, 87 on epidemiology of oral diseases, 14 on history and pedagogy, 11 on community health, 7 on natural and traditional medicine, 14 on other topics. The 2009 impact factor was 0.1795 and 0.3394 in 2013.
Conclusions: a significant number of items have been published from 2009 to 2013; there was predominance of original articles and case presentations, the Cuban and Brazilian authors were highlighted; updated references and impact factor discreetly showed a upward trend.


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Author Biographies

Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana

Editora Jefe Revista Cubana de Estomatología

Profesora Titular y Consultante

Especialista 2do. Grado Oncología

Master en Salud Bucal Comunitaria

Lourdes Hernández Cuétara, Departamento de Estomatología Facultad Dr. Miguel Enríquez

  Especialista en Administración y Organización de los  Servicios de Salud
  Master en Medicina Bioenergética y Naturalista

Eglys Trujillo Miranda, Servicio ORL Hospital Manuel Fajardo

 Jefe de Servicio ORL


  Especialista Medicina General Integral y Otorrinolaringología

  Master en Enfermedades Infecciosas


Irene Rodríguez Pérez, Departamento de Histología ICBP “Victoria de Girón”

Profesora Titular y Consultante

  Especialista 2do. Grado Histología

  Doctora en Ciencias Médicas

Luisa Haydee Alfonso Dreke, Editorial Ciencias Médicas

Licenciada en Filología
        Especialidad Literatura Cubana



How to Cite

Miranda Tarragó JD, Hernández Cuétara L, Trujillo Miranda E, Rodríguez Pérez I, Alfonso Dreke LH. Scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Dentistry: 2009-2013. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2015 Feb. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];52(SupEsp):2-7. Available from: