Reproducibility of dental alignment in digital and manual measurements taken on dental casts
Reproducibility of results, Model, Measurements.Abstract
Introduction: The incorporation of digital models offers the orthodontist an alternative to the plaster study models that are commonly used. These are a standard component of orthodontic records and are critical to diagnosis and treatment planning. It is important to inquire about the reliability of new technologies.
Objective: To evaluate the reproducibility of digital and manual measurements of dental alignment in initial models of orthodontic patients.
Methods: A diagnostic technology evaluation study was carried out with 80 plaster models that were digitized with the Ineos X5 Scanner. Once the plaster models and digital images of them were obtained, the researcher who obtained the best result in the inter and intra examiner calibration performed the dental alignment measurement. Manual measurements were taken with a digital caliper, and digital ones were taken in the Nemocast software. The analysis included the calculation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the Bland and Altman limits of agreement. A value of p <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: ICC values ranged between 0.643 and 0.874, more than half of the measurements obtained ICC values higher than 0.81, which was considered “almost perfect” reproducibility according to the interpretation suggested by Landis and Koch. Differences between -0.2 to -0.4 were averaged with narrow limits of agreement.
Conclusions: An "almost perfect" reproducibility was found and an average of the differences close to zero between manual and digital measurements.Downloads
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