Historical overview of the teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training
history, English language, dentistry, teaching-learning, English for special purposes.Abstract
Introduction: The teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training has changed throughout time, in response to historical and social processes which have imposed changes on the dental training model. Objective: Describe the evolution of the teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training in Cuba. Methods: A historical-descriptive study was conducted from March 2017 to September 2019. Information was collected from interviews with key informants, and a review was carried out of scientific papers related to the study topic, basic undergraduate bibliography and other relevant documents. The data were ordered chronologically and grouped into periods based on milestones implying a qualitative change in the development of the teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training in Cuba. Results: The teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training in Cuba was arranged into four periods. It was found that it is necessary to define a general instructional objective related to the development of professional communicative skills in English, as well as a syllabus adjusted to the functions of professionals. The teaching methodology of English for special purposes has evolved from rote learning to the use of a communicative approach. Evaluation is now aimed at formative assessment, though traditional evaluation practices are still found in its design which do not consider its potential as a vehicle for the development of professional communicative competence. Conclusions: Despite the progress achieved by the teaching and learning of English for special purposes in undergraduate dental training in Cuba, deficiencies are still found which have to do with scarce adjustment of syllabuses to the professional model and insufficient use of evaluation to foster the development of professional communicative competence.Downloads
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