Rigid stems, an alternative in the esthetic-functional treatment of apex formation due to complicated crown fracture
tooth apex, endodontics, bolt stump technique, dental restoration, dental materials, stem.Abstract
Introduction: the dental traumatisms are events that frequently happen. The data gathered by the statistics, reveal significant figures as for the incidence and prevalence of these accidents, therefore you has ended up considering as a problem of Public Health, for the presage of the traumatized teeth, and it is of vital importance that an appropriate treatment is made as soon as possible after the accident. The therapy to make will depend of: the size of the exhibition, lapsed time, I develop of the foramen apical, vitality and teething type.
Objective: to describe the feasibility of a case of apicoformación in left incisive superior power station, with cementation of rigid stem, stump conformation and definitive esthetic and functional restoration.
Discussion: Patient of 8 years old, masculine that goes to consultation after suffering traumatism consistent dentoalveolar with complicated Fracture of crown, to the rays X is observed slight periodontal expansion and immature apex.
Conclusions: the cementation of a rigid stem is an alternative feasibly to realize in functional treatments of apexification for complicated fracture of crown, due to its supposed a rapid recuperation of oral functions and integral social- psychological of the patient.

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