Influences of the type and time of breastfeeding in the onset of deforming oral habits


  • Daniel Enrique Reyes Romagosa Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma
  • Ada Delia Saborit Quesada Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma.
  • María Rosa Paneque Gamboa Universidad de Ciencas Médicas de Granma.
  • Gisela del Carmen Diz Suárez Universidad de ceincas Médicas de Granma.
  • Yohana Morgado Lastres Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma.


Introduction: deforming oral habits are closely related to the time of breastfeeding; there are beneficial or functional habits and the incorrect or deforming ones.
Objective: to describe the influence of type and time of breastfeeding in the onset of deforming oral habits in children aged 2-4 years.
Methods: across-sectional and retrospective descriptive study was carried out. The universe consisted of 1021 mothers with children aged 2-4 years and the sample was made up by 300 mothers with their respective children, selected by simple random sampling; age, sex, deforming oral habits, breastfeeding time, and breastfeeding type were obtained.
Results: the group of 3 years (44.7 %) and the female sex (55.7 %), with the use of pacifiers and baby bottles (45.7 %), as deforming buccal habit in females, mixed lactation (65.3 %) in children with habits, breastfeeding for less than 3 months (40.8 %). Predominantly, the habit of pacifiers and baby bottles (45.7 %) at all breastfeeding time was observed to decrease as breastfeeding time increases (4.9 %).
Conclusions: mixed breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding time of less than 3 months favor the practice of deforming oral habits.

Keywords: breastfeeding; maternal breastfeeding; habits.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Enrique Reyes Romagosa, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma

Dr en Estomatologia 1990

Especialista 1er Grado EGI 2005

Especialista 2do Grado EGI 2014

Master Salud Bucal Comunitaria 2007

Master Urgencias Estomatologicas 2010

Instructor 2000

Asistente 2007

Auxiliar 2014

Investigador Auxiliar 2016

Ada Delia Saborit Quesada, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma.

Especialista de primer grado en Estomatología General integral.

Profesor instructor.

María Rosa Paneque Gamboa, Universidad de Ciencas Médicas de Granma.

Especialsta de primer y segundo grados en estomatología general integral.

Máster en urgencias estomatológicas.

profesora e investigadora Auxiliar.

Gisela del Carmen Diz Suárez, Universidad de ceincas Médicas de Granma.

Especialista de primer y segundo grados en estomatología general integral.

Profesora asistente.

máster en salud bucal comunitaria.

Yohana Morgado Lastres, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma.

Especialista de primer grado en estomatología general integral.

profesora instructora.



How to Cite

Reyes Romagosa DE, Saborit Quesada AD, Paneque Gamboa MR, Diz Suárez G del C, Morgado Lastres Y. Influences of the type and time of breastfeeding in the onset of deforming oral habits. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];54(4):34-9. Available from:



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