Characterization of Maxillary Canine Retention in Pediatric Patients in Ciego de Avila
canine tooth, impacted tooth, risk factors.Abstract
Introduction: We report findings that allow us to observe the impacted maxillary canine as an entity of important prevalence. In the province of Ciego de Avila there is little research published on this eruptive alteration.
Objectives: To describe epidemiological and clinical variables and to identify the local factors present in pediatric patients with retained maxillary canines in the municipality of Ciego de Avila between October 2019 and June 2020.
Methods: An analytical observational research of cases and controls was carried out to determine the local factors associated to maxillary canine retention. The study population consisted of 388 schoolchildren between the ages of 11 and 17 years old, belonging to the health area of the Dr. Luis Páez Alfonso Stomatological Teaching Clinic in the municipality of Ciego de Avila, during the study period.
Results: 56.9% of the participants belonged to the female sex; the group of 11 to 13 years old prevailed with 70.7 % and the skin color was white (74.1%). A total of 56.9 % of the patients had bilateral retention and the highest percentage (60.4%) was located in the vestibular region. Negative bone-tooth discrepancy, transverse micrognathism (OR of 6.3) and premature loss of primary teeth (OR was 6.1) showed significant statistical significance.
Conclusions: Maxillary canine retention predominated in the female sex, in the 11 to 13 years age group, and in white-skinned pediatric patients. Bilateral retention and vestibular location of the canines occurred more frequently. The association between maxillary canine retention and the local factors negative bone-tooth discrepancy, transverse micrognathism and premature loss of primary teeth was found.
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