Prevalence of alterations of the stylohyoid complex in digital panoramic radiographs
styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, panoramic radiograph.Abstract
Introduction: alterations of the stylohyoid chain are common, taking the shape of styloid process elongation and stylohyoid ligament ossification. Changes may either be asymptomatic or trigger a number of symptoms such as headache.
Objective: determine the prevalence of styloid process elongation and stylohyoid ligament ossification in panoramic radiographs based on distribution by age, sex and affected side.
Methods: examination was conducted of 300 digital panoramic radiographs from the registries of a dental radiology service. Radiographs were randomly selected from among those performed in 2012, and evaluated by a single researcher. The radiographs considered were those in which the temporal styloid process exceeded in more than 1 cm the lowermost edge of the earlobe cartilage and those in which the stylohyoid ligament was radiopaque.
Results: the study found 108 radiographs (36 %) meeting these requirements. There was a higher prevalence of styloid process elongation and/or stylohyoid ligament ossification among women (63 %), whereas the condition was bilateral in 72 % of the cases, with a predominance of the 61-70 age group.
Conclusion: prevalence of alterations of the stylohyoid complex in the radiographs analyzed was 36%. Most alterations were bilateral. There was a predominance of women from the above-mentioned age group.

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