Prevalence of alterations of the stylohyoid complex in digital panoramic radiographs


  • Wilson Gomes do Nascimento Júnior Curso de Especialización en Radiología Odontológica del Instituto Ravel de Educación Superior
  • Gustavo Nascimento de Souza Pinto Universidade Cesumar - UniCesumar
  • Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Mariliani Chicarelli da Silva Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá
  • Pablo André Amoroso Silva Doutorando en Endodoncia en la Facultad de Odontología de Bauru (FOB-USP)
  • Elen de Souza Tolentino Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá


styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, panoramic radiograph.


Introduction: alterations of the stylohyoid chain are common, taking the shape of styloid process elongation and stylohyoid ligament ossification. Changes may either be asymptomatic or trigger a number of symptoms such as headache.
Objective: determine the prevalence of styloid process elongation and stylohyoid ligament ossification in panoramic radiographs based on distribution by age, sex and affected side.
Methods: examination was conducted of 300 digital panoramic radiographs from the registries of a dental radiology service. Radiographs were randomly selected from among those performed in 2012, and evaluated by a single researcher. The radiographs considered were those in which the temporal styloid process exceeded in more than 1 cm the lowermost edge of the earlobe cartilage and those in which the stylohyoid ligament was radiopaque.
Results: the study found 108 radiographs (36 %) meeting these requirements. There was a higher prevalence of styloid process elongation and/or stylohyoid ligament ossification among women (63 %), whereas the condition was bilateral in 72 % of the cases, with a predominance of the 61-70 age group.
Conclusion: prevalence of alterations of the stylohyoid complex in the radiographs analyzed was 36%. Most alterations were bilateral. There was a predominance of women from the above-mentioned age group.


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Author Biographies

Wilson Gomes do Nascimento Júnior, Curso de Especialización en Radiología Odontológica del Instituto Ravel de Educación Superior

Gustavo Nascimento de Souza Pinto, Universidade Cesumar - UniCesumar

Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá

Mariliani Chicarelli da Silva, Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá

Pablo André Amoroso Silva, Doutorando en Endodoncia en la Facultad de Odontología de Bauru (FOB-USP)

Elen de Souza Tolentino, Professora del Departamento de Odontología en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá



How to Cite

Júnior WG do N, Pinto GN de S, Iwaki LCV, Silva MC da, Silva PAA, Tolentino E de S. Prevalence of alterations of the stylohyoid complex in digital panoramic radiographs. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2015 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];52(2):12-8. Available from:



Research Article