Graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implant placement


  • Fabio Andres Jimenez Castellanos Universidad Antonio Nariño, Facultad de Odontología. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia UNICOC, Centro de Investigaciones del Colegio Odontológico (CICO). Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
  • Néstor Rios Osorio Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia UNICOC, Centro de Investigaciones del Colegio Odontológico (CICO). Bogotá D.C., Colombia.


dental implants, maxillary sinus lift, lateral window technique, transalveolar technique, blood clot.


Introduction: Maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation without using bone substitutes, reapproaches the theory about the bone neoformation potential of the blood clot housed under the Schneider membrane, all by itself, thus excluding the need to use exogenous materials.

Objective: Discuss the effectiveness of graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implant placement through an evaluation of the amount of vertical bone gain.

Case presentation: Case 1: Female 62-year-old patient undergoing graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation by lateral window technique due to a reduced bone height of 5.24 mm. After a 12-month tomographic follow-up period subsequent to prosthetic loading, a 10.2 mm vertical bone height was achieved, resulting in 4.96 mm vertical bone gain. Case 2: Female 48-year-old patient undergoing graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implantation by transalveolar technique using a piezoelectric generator due to a reduced bone height of 8.33 mm. After a 4-month radiographic follow-up period, before prosthetic loading, an 11.55 mm vertical bone height was achieved, resulting in 3.19 mm vertical bone gain.

Conclusions: According to these two case reports, graftless maxillary sinus lifting with simultaneous dental implantation is associated to reduced surgical morbidity, a lesser probability of infectious processes and lower surgical costs. It may therefore be considered to be a surgical alternative for implant placement in the posterior maxilla due to vertical bone deficiencies, regardless of the technique used (lateral or transalveolar).


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How to Cite

Jimenez Castellanos FA, Rios Osorio N. Graftless maxillary sinus lift with simultaneous dental implant placement. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];59(2):e3544. Available from:



Case Report