Multi-strain probiotic therapy as an adjuvant to conventional periodontal treatment



probiotics, periodontitis, Lactobacillus, combination therapy, clinical protocols.


Introduction: Periodontal disease comprises a set of disorders associated with inflammation and the loss of dental support structures of multifactorial infectious origin. Scientific research exposes a range of probiotic bacterial strains in periodontal treatment, with properties in inhibiting the growth of periodontal pathogens, and significant improvements in clinical parameters, when combined with mechanical periodontal treatment.

Objective: Describe the effect of combined therapy between traditional mechanical periodontal treatment and a multi-strain probiotic gel, applied to a case of periodontitis.

Case presentation: A 53-year-old female patient from the community El Portachuelo, a rural area next to the city of Mérida. She presented gingival enlargement, redness and spontaneous pain in the palatine gum, with concomitant bleeding and purulent exudate for six months. A clinical periodontal examination, radiographic analysis and microbiological analysis made it possible to diagnose stage IV grade B periodontitis. Conventional non-surgical periodontal treatment was applied in combination with probiotic strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. acidophilus and L. plantarum, in presentation of an adhesive gel for supra and subgingival application and in oral suspension to obtain a systemic effect for 45 days. The results obtained were favorable with improvement of clinical parameters such as periodontal bleeding index and depth of periodontal sacs.

Conclusions: In accordance with several studies, it has been shown that probiotic therapy can be used as an adjuvant treatment in cases of periodontitis. A clear and rapid improvement is observed when using multi-strain therapies. 


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Author Biography

Jormany Alirio Quintero-Rojas, Universidad de Los Andes. Mérida, Venezuela.

Ingeniero de Sistemas, ULA

Masc. En Modelado y Simulación de Sistemas, ULA

Estud. Odontología, ULA

Prof. Depto, Sistemas de Coontrol, Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas, ULA



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How to Cite

Quintero-Rojas JA, Varela-Rangel YY, Gutiérrez R, Salas-Osorio E. Multi-strain probiotic therapy as an adjuvant to conventional periodontal treatment. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];59(3):e3539. Available from:



Case Report