Burnout syndrome in stomatologists
emotions, depersonalization, Burnout psychological.Abstract
Introduction: Burnout is an indicator of chronic stress, and the midpoint between stressors and their consequences. Objective: identify the presence of Burnout Syndrome in stomatologists of the University Clinic of Stomatological Specialties "Manuel Cedeño". Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted in 73 stomatologists of the University Clinic of Stomatological Specialties "Manuel Cedeño", Bayamo, Granma, between September and October 2019. The Maslach scale was applied for Burnout Syndrome and three were measured sub-scales: emotional fatigue, depersonalization and personal fulfillment. Results: the stomatologistssurveyed showed low (57,53 % ) and high (26,02 % ) emotional fatigue; depersonalization was low and medium with 49,31 % and 39,72 % respectively; 84,93 % presented a high personal achievement; 68 % of stomatologists do not have Burnout Syndrome, only 32 % have it. Conclusions: The stomatologists of the University Clinic of Stomatological Specialties "Manuel Cedeño" have a low level of emotional fatigue, a low level of depersonalization and a high personal achievement, which allowed the majority not to present the Burnout Syndrome.Downloads
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