Dental Anomalies in People with Disabilities
congenital anomalies, adaptation disorders, autist spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, Down syndrome.Abstract
Introduction: During odontogenesis, congenital malformations can occur that affect teeth shape, number, size, structure, position, color and eruption. In people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, intellectual development disorder, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder, a variety of dental abnormalities can occur.
Objective: To describe dental anomalies in such disability conditions as cerebral palsy, intellectual development disorder, Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder.
Methods: A bibliographic search was performed in the databases Clinical Key, Medline, Dialnet and SciELO. The PRISMA checklist was applied.
Information analysis and integration: After reading and analyzing the information, 800 articles were retrieved from the databases, of which 590 were deleted because they were repeated. After the discrimination, 210 were pending to review; the remaining ones were reviewed full-text. 193 were deleted because they did not do any reference to dental anomalies and/or disorders or syndromes. Of the remaining 17, only 15 met the inclusion criteria.
Conclusions: No differences were found to affirm that some of the anomalies and alterations presented correspond individually to each type of disability. However, Down syndrome has dental abnormalities related to patient condition. Cerebral palsy coincides with other findings such as bruxism, due to poor muscle development, which affects the oral cavity and its structures.
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