Proportion of agreement between the clinical and the histopathologic diagnosis during 20 years


  • Rogelio Sepúlveda Infante Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Monterrey
  • Elías Romero de León Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Monterrey


agreement, correlation, coincidence, clinical diagnosis, histopathologic diagnosis, oral pathology, histopathology.


To determine the proportion of agreement between the clinical and histopathologic
diagnoses of study biopsies in the Oral Pathology Department. From the registry
book from years 1989 to 2008 the histopathologic diagnoses of 2 183 biopsies were
collected codifying the different study variables and were processed using Epi Info
to obtain the frequencies end percentages. This study presents a 7.9 % of
agreement, a slight agreement of 13.8 %, no-agreement of 7.9 % and without
clinical diagnosis of 24.2 %. The salivary glands lesions showed the high agreement
for the 66.8 % and for the bone tissue the non-odontogenic cysts occupied the first
place of agreement for the 80.0 %. There was an acceptable agreement higher
than other similar studies. There is the possibility to improve these features by
means of a continuous updating of the clinical diagnoses.


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How to Cite

Sepúlveda Infante R, Romero de León E. Proportion of agreement between the clinical and the histopathologic diagnosis during 20 years. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];48(2):129-35. Available from:



Research Article