Notes for the Stomatology history in Camagüey province, Cuba


  • Dadonim Vila Morales Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Finlay-Albarrán", Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana


Stomatology history, Camagüey. XIX century.


The Stomatology history in each region of our country must to be rescue. Thus, in the province of Camagüey authors carried out present research in the historical period of VIV century from may, 1993 to June, 1994, reviewed and compared in 2010. The primary source of information were historical documents of XIX century looked up in the Provincial Library of Camagüey including the capitular minutes from the Puerto Principe Town Hall, as well as the newspapers La Gaceta de Puerto Principle, La Gaceta, El Pueblo, El Camagüey and history books gathering the study period. In a documentary way it was possible to demonstrate the progress of Stomatology during XIX century in this province going from empirical multiple works of the barber-phlebotomist-dentist up to appearance of surgeon-dentist profession Dentists participation of this province was significant in the Guerra de los Diez Años arising a general and a captain of Liberating Army and together with other patriotic dentist of this province were sent to prison sheded their blood in the battlefields of this province. The training of the first of Camagüey was in the dental schools of United States until the teaching as a discipline began in Cuba after the Guerra de los Diez Años. At the end of XIX the basis were created to found the Camagüey Dental College in 1907.


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How to Cite

Vila Morales D. Notes for the Stomatology history in Camagüey province, Cuba. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(3):361-80. Available from:



History and Pedagogy