Fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of oral soft tissue injuries


  • Oscar García-Roco Pérez Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey
  • Miguel Arredondo López Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey
  • Valentín Martínez Bello Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey
  • Ana C. Pérez Sariol Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey




The use of fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology (FNABC) in the diagnosis of many lesions in different parts of the organism is widely spread; however, it has only been used in buccal lesiosn recently. The present study deals with the diagnostic value of FNABC in solid buccal lesions of 71 patients (47 males and 24 females) with an age range 17 -70, and it is compared with the histology. The cytological samples were evaluated by the presence of diagnostic cells and the application of reliability statistical tests. Diagnostic cells were obtained in 73.2 % of the samples that were divided into 2 large groups of lesions: fibrous (FL) and non-fibrous (NFL). Among the FL, the diagnosis was possible in 15 cases (48,3 %), whereas in37 of 40 NFL (94.8 %) diagnostic cells were obtained. The results of the reliability tests were significantly different according to the type of lesion, showing higher efficiency in the NFL (94.8 %). It was concluded that the FNABC had no diagnostic values in fibrous lesions, whereas in lesions with soft stroma and cells .rich in vessels or inflammatory cells and malignant tumors, the FNABC was very successful on helping to make correct diagnoses.


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How to Cite

García-Roco Pérez O, Arredondo López M, Martínez Bello V, Pérez Sariol AC. Fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of oral soft tissue injuries. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2003 Feb. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 4];40(1):20-5. Available from:



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