Bilateral palatal exostosis in an infant



exostosis, child, pediatric dentistry, growth and development.


Introduction: Exostoses are localized bony lumps of a benign nature. They are an infrequent condition in infants.

Objective: Present a case of bilateral palatal exostosis in a dark skinned female infant aged one year and four months.

Case presentation: The girl was brought by her mother to the Children's Dental Clinic for oral examination. During anamnesis, the mother referred to delay in the eruption of deciduous teeth and the presence of lumps on the upper arch without any painful symptom. She also reported that three relatives had the same alteration in their maxilla or mandible. Oral examination revealed a bilateral flat bony lump in the maxilla, in the lingual region of the palatal tuberosities, covered by normal oral mucosa. The surface was stiff to palpation with well defined borders. The genetic factor was associated to the clinical aspect of the lesion, as well as the sex and ethnicity of the patient. The diagnosis was bilateral palatal exostosis. Biopsy and active treatment for removal of the lesion were not justified due to the patient's age, absence of painful symptoms, and potential interference with feeding, swallowing and other oral functions. The patient was periodically followed-up and was observed to present a normal process of deciduous tooth eruption.

Conclusions: Even though palatal exostosis is infrequent in children, it is important for dental surgeons to be knowledgeable about the topic so as to reach an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.


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Author Biographies

Mirian Diniz Cruz, Faculdade COESP. João Pessoa-PB

Especialista em Odontopediatria pela Faculdade COESP, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. Av. Esperança, 1194, Manaíra, CEP 58038-281, João Pessoa-PB, tel: (83) 3246-5500

Camila Menezes Costa Castelo-Branco, Fundação FUNDECTO, São Paulo-SP

2Especialista em Odontopediatria pela Fundação FUNDECTO, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Av. Lineu Prestes, 2227, Butantã, CEP 05508-000, São Paulo-SP, tel: 0800 771 7001

Alba Valeska Alves de Oliveira, Faculdade COESP. João Pessoa-PB

Docente do curso de Especialização em Odontopediatria da Faculdade COESP, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. Av. Esperança, 1194, Manaíra, CEP 58038-281, João Pessoa-PB, tel: (83) 3246-5500

Priscila Hernández de Campos, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo-SP

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Rua Galvão Bueno, 868, Liberdade, CEP 01506-000, São Paulo-SP, tel: (11) 3385-3015

Michele Baffi Diniz, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo-SP

Professora Doutora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Rua Galvão Bueno, 868, Liberdade, CEP 01506-000, São Paulo-SP, tel: (11) 3385-3015



How to Cite

Cruz MD, Castelo-Branco CMC, Oliveira AVA de, Campos PH de, Diniz MB. Bilateral palatal exostosis in an infant. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2019 May 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];56(2):226-33. Available from:



Case Report

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