The student and the scientific activity. san miguel del padrón. January-February, 2012.


  • marta maria capote fernández


students, stomatology, scientific activity, motivation.


Introduction: The activity scientific estudent constitute a way important the prepair to the future professionals in the way investigatifs for  indict yours inquietutes  scientífic  and  forward the formation the values.

Objective: Explorer the opinions of the estudents abaut the preparation for oppose works the investigation.

Methods: A descriptive cross cut study was carried out with the 28 students from the Stomatology Course in the San Miguel del Padrón Municipality, Havana City from January to February in 2012. For it themselves application a inquiry elaborate for  the autor and  validate for expert. The variables studieds was: year of the course, if be considerer prepared for realize works investigate, aspects contributing for realizate, contribution of professors to the formation investigate, betwen others. The variable study

Results: With this in mind, a survey was made by the authors resulting in 67.85 % who state they are sufficiently prepared to face research tasks while 64.28 % are of the opinion that the final works on subjects help develop these skills.

Conclusion: More than half the number of students consider to have received sufficient preparation to do research tasks, the final works help them in this respect and the professors’ contribution have been positive as they have motivated the students with the aid of new research topics.


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Author Biography

marta maria capote fernández

Estomatologa. policlínico Wilfredo Pérez. La Habana. Master. Profesor Instructor Facultad Miguel Enríquez



How to Cite

capote fernández marta maria. The student and the scientific activity. san miguel del padrón. January-February, 2012. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2014 Nov. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];51(3):40-5. Available from:



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