Homogeneous Buccal Leukoplakia in Tobacco-smoking Patients
buccal leukoplakia, smoking, dysplasia.Abstract
Introduction: Leukoplakia is the most common potentially malignant lesion of the buccal mucosa; tobacco use is the main etiological factor; different degrees of epithelial dysplasia are present. Its study allows a better understanding of the clinical and histopathological manifestations of this disease.
Objective: To clinically and histopathologically characterize homogeneous buccal leukoplakia in patients who smoke tobacco.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed. The universe was composed of 75 patients who smoked tobacco and cigars, attended in the stomatological consultation of the Specialties Polyclinic of the Clinical-Surgical Hospital Saturnino Lora Torres of Santiago de Cuba. By means of clinical and histopathological examination, homogeneous buccal leukoplakia was diagnosed. For the collection of the primary data, a model was made with the following variables: age group, sex, clinical diagnosis, time in smoking habit, anatomical location and histopathological study of the disease.
Results: Male sex (58.6%) and age group 60 years and older (41.3%) prevailed in the casuistry; hyperkeratosis (64.0%), mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate (60.0%) and mild epithelial dysplasia (73.3%) were the most common histopathological alterations in smokers aged 21 years and older. Hyperchromasia of the nucleus (100.0%) and nuclear pleomorphism (96.80%) were the most prominent cellular changes. Interpapillary nail alterations (92.0%), stratum basale hyperplasia (88.9%) and loss of polarity (87.3%) resulted the most significant tissue dysplastic signs in buccal leukoplakia and cheek mucosa (40.0%) the anatomical site of highest occurrence of lesions.
Conclusions: All tobacco and cigarette smoking patients presented, clinically, buccal leukoplastic lesions, confirmed by histopathological study; male sex and the 60 and older age group are the most affected. Hyperparapokeratosis, mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate and mild epithelial dysplasia were the most predominant; hyperchromasia of the nucleus and nuclear pleomorphism were the most prominent cellular changes. In the epithelial dysplastic tissue, interpapillary nail alterations, hyperplasia of the stratum basale and loss of polarity prevailed and the most affected site, the cheek mucosa.
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