Oral health of older adults and utilization of services at the School of Dental Medicine, Havana
Aged, elderly, health services for the aged, health services, mouth diseases, oral health, CubaAbstract
Introduction: The aging of the Cuban population poses a challenge to the maintenance of oral health.
Objectives: To determine the oral health situation and the use of dental services by older adults attending the School of Dental Medicine in Havana, Cuba.
Methods: From January to June 2019, an observational, descriptive study was conducted with older adults who attended for consultations at the School of Dental Medicine in Havana. Sampling was purposive, with 142 older adults (78 women, 64 men) who met the selection criteria. Data collection was done through clinical history and individual interview, compiled in a form designed for the study. Data were summarized in absolute numbers and proportions expressed as percentages.
Results: Female sex predominated with 54.9% (78/742), age group 60-74 with 73.2% (104/142), periodontal disease with 77.5% (110/142), and masticatory dysfunction with 69.0% (98/142). The need for secondary care was predominant, with 50.0% (71/142), seeking care only when they experienced discomfort. The main barriers to accessing services were transportation (60.0%; 85/142) and mobilization (48.6%; 69/142).
Conclusions: The older adults who participated in this study had oral health problems requiring interdisciplinary care. Those in the younger age group presented more often, mostly because of discomfort. The main reason that made it difficult to attend the consultation was the lack of transportation to get to the care center.
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