Dentistry 2020, a congress in the time of COVID-19
virtual congress, dentistry, COVID-19, Dental School of Havana, Cuba.Abstract
Introduction: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Congress programmed to mark the 120th anniversary of the Dental School of Havana had to change its format and was held virtually in November 2020.
Objective: Characterize the virtual International Congress Dentistry 2020, held in the time of COVID-19.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted based on the final statistical reports provided by the Congress website and applying historical-logical and document review methods.
Results: A total 970 users were registered in the Congress page. Of these, 899 were Cuban and 71 were foreign. All the provinces were represented. 81% of the users were professionals and 16.8% were students. 391 papers were accepted and published, for 82.8%; 373 papers were written by Cuban authors and 18 by foreign authors. 18% of the papers dealt with general comprehensive dentistry in primary health care, followed by orthodontics (14.3%). 2 405 comments were made, with 92.3% of the published papers receiving comments. 354 papers were recorded in the Congress Proceedings.
Conclusions: Most of the users registered were Cuban, female and professionals. All the provinces were represented. Most of the papers received met the publication requirements and almost one fifth dealt with general comprehensive dentistry in primary health care. Students had an outstanding participation.Downloads
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