Quality of life, related to oral healthcare, in the Elderly Center de San Isidro, Lima



quality of life, oral healthcare, elderly.


Introduction: Maintaining quality of life is one of the most important results of care services. Several plans support the importance of measuring it in older adults.

Objective: To assess oral health-related quality of life in members of a senior center in Lima, Peru.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a population of 1800 older adults. The sample consisted of 184 participants. The oral health impact profile instrument (OHIP14sp) was used to measure quality of life in relation to oral health. Content validity was performed by a group of evaluators and the consistency of the questionnaire was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha test. The information was summarized in percentages and Fisher's and chi-square hypothesis tests were used to identify the relationship of quality of life with gender and age, and Poisson regression.

Results: The quality of life of older adults was poor in 9.8%, good in 23.4%, and excellent in 66.8%. Women (71%) had a better quality of life than men (58%). It was observed that the younger the age, the better the quality of life. Most of the adults were able to perform their daily activities except for 7.1%. Oral health did not have a negative impact on the quality of life of older adults in terms of psychological discomfort, functional limitation and handicap, only 61%, 49% and 17%, respectively.

Conclusions: The impact on oral health in Lima identified as excellent or regular the quality of life in relation to oral health of older adults attending the San Isidro Senior Center.


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Author Biographies

Diego Alonso Kurt Espinoza-Espinoza, Universidad Peruana “Cayetano Heredia”, Facultad de Estomatología. Lima, Perú.

Cirujano Dentista. Magíster en Estomatología.

David Soto-Peñaloza, Universitat de València, Facultad de Medicina y Odontología. Valencia, España.

Cirujano Dentista. Máster en Cirugía Oral e Implantología.

Carmen Rosa García-Rupaya, Universidad Peruana “Cayetano Heredia”, Facultad de Estomatología. Lima, Perú.

Cirujana Dentista. Magíster en Estomatología.

Daniel Alonso Kim Espinoza-Espinoza, Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Facultad de Odontología. Lima, Perú.

Cirujano Dentista. Magíster en Estomatología

Julissa Amparo Dulanto Vargas, Universidad Científica del Sur, Carrera de Estomatología, Research Group in Dental Sciences. Lima, Perú.

Cirujana dentista. Doctora en Ciencias Odontológicas.

Rafael Morales-Vadillo, Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Facultad de Odontología. Lima, Perú.

Cirujano Dentista. Doctor en Educación.


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How to Cite

Espinoza-Espinoza DAK, Soto-Peñaloza D, García-Rupaya CR, Espinoza-Espinoza DAK, Dulanto Vargas JA, Morales-Vadillo R. Quality of life, related to oral healthcare, in the Elderly Center de San Isidro, Lima. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];59(4):e3937. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/3937



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