Bone regeneration with platelet-rich fibrin in apical surgery



platelet-rich fibrin, bone regenaration, bone injert, apicoectomy.


Introduction: Platelet-rich fibrin is a fibrin membrane or clot, which provides a large amount of growth factors, leukocytes and cytokines. This is a good alternative to help better healing, in addition to enhancing other biomaterials in order to condition better regeneration and in a shorter period of time. Its easy preparation and handling, unlike other platelet preparations, mean that it can be used in daily clinical practice.

Objective: To show the management of an apical surgery with the application of platelet-rich fibrin and its clinical result.

Case report: This is the case of a female patient, 47 years old, with chronic apical abscess at the level of the upper right second premolar. Radiographically, a persistent apical lesion was observed, the instrument fractured in one of the root canals, the obturation material overextended, and the intraradicular retainer. It was decided to perform apical surgery with retrograde obturation and bone filling in combination with platelet-rich fibrin.

Results: The patient evolved favorably and evidenced bone healing in development, without complications.

Conclusions: The use of platelet-rich fibrin, in combination with bone filler during endodontic surgery, is a good alternative due to its bone regeneration properties.


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How to Cite

Ramos Ramirez JI, Ramos Manotas JI, Díaz Caballero AJ. Bone regeneration with platelet-rich fibrin in apical surgery. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];60(1):e3898. Available from:



Case Report

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