Classification of specials patients according their dentist attention requirements
patient special, patient of surgery risk, patient with incapacity, patient with chronic illnesses.Abstract
Introduction: Numerous definitions exist where the patient of surgical risk can be incorporate keeping in mind her definition that is possible damage that she threatens the individual that will be subjected to a surgical intervention, such as patient special, with deficiencies among other but it has not been find a classification of patient of risk surgery. It cannot allow indentify those and it is difficult the dentist treatment without systemic complication.
Objective: To elaborate a classification proposal of specials patients according dentist attention requirements.
Methods: it was qualitative research. It was carried out exhaustive bibliographical revision and it took in consideration previous investigations carried out by the main author, with this consideration the classification proposal was made. To evaluate the proposal it used the method Delphi, which allowed arriving to opinions of the experts' consent. It took into consideration different variables: Inadequate, Not Appropriate, Appropriate, Quite Appropriate and Very Appropriate.
Results: The classification is exposed of patient special according dentist attention requirements, it included to five groups and the group I was subdivided, called surgical risk, in five subgroups. 100 % experts considered the classification like Quite Appropriate and Very Appropriate 2 in the first categories and 12 in the second one.
Conclusions: The proposed classification facilitates to the dentist an attention to the differentiated special patient with emphasis in surgical risk patients keeping in mind the most important characteristics in the base illnesses. The proposed classification was classified as having accepted.
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