Effects of phytochemical extracts on smear layer removal in root canal treatment
Endodontics, Natural products, Phytotherapy, Root Canal Irrigants.Abstract
Introduction: Studies suggested that phytochemical products are considered potential solutions to smear layer removal due to their biological safety in cleaning root canal systems, lower toxicity, lower irritant effect and antimicrobial effect.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to perform a systematic review to evaluate smear layer removal of root canal systems by different natural product solutions.
Methods: systematic review. Search of the literature was performed on Pubmed, Scopus, Cochrane, Web of Science, Scielo and Google Scholar according the PRISMA protocol. Studies were included if they performed the experiments of smear layer removal on extracted permanent human teeth. Articles published in any language without restriction of year of publication were included in this review. The risk of bias assessment in the included studies was evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies. The search strategy resulted in the retrieval of 6221 publications. After the eligibility criteria application, 8 articles were selected for analysis.
Results: It was observed that some natural products solutions showed effects on smear layer removal, especially on coronal third. The phytochemical products such as Salvadora persica, chamomile alcohol extract and grape seed extract demonstrated good potential of smear layer removal, however, its effectiveness and clinical applicability are still unclear.
Conclusions: Although the limitations of this study, it is possible to highlight those phytochemical products such as Salvadora persica, chamomile alcohol extract and grape seed extract that demonstrated good potential on SL removal.
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