Tensile bond strength of fiberglass and anatomized posts
adhesion, fiberglass pins, fiberglass post, bond strength, tensile strength.Abstract
Introduction: Fiberglass posts often fall off their position due to loss of adhesive capacity when they are subjected to masticatory force.
Objective: Compare in vitro the tensile bond strength of fiberglass and anatomized posts cemented with the same adhesive material.
Methods: An in vitro experimental study was conducted. A selection was made of 20 premolars extracted by orthodontic indication which were then randomly distributed into two groups. The premolars underwent root canal treatment by a specialist. The preparation was manual and sealing was performed by lateral condensation. The teeth were prepared in the standard manner to receive the fiberglass and resin-anatomized posts. In both groups’ cementation followed the protocol suggested by the manufacturer of Allcem Core® (dual cement). The specimens were stamped in self-curing acrylic. Next, they were subjected to vertical tensile strength in an materials testing machine (Instrom©).
Results: The mean values obtained were 31 kg/F for teeth with anatomized posts and 12.47 kg/F for fiberglass posts. According to Shapiro-Wilk tests, the samples exhibited a normal distribution (p > 0.05). The hypothesis was contrasted with Student’s t test, obtaining a highly significant statistical difference between the groups (p = 0.001).
Conclusions: Vertical tensile bond strength is greater in anatomized posts.
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