Comprehensive treatment of severe skeletal class III, open bite and facial asymmetry
orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, orthognathic surgical procedures, maxillomandibular surgery.Abstract
Introduction: Orthognathic surgery is especially indicated in complex cases, where conservative procedures fail or are insufficient. Diagnosis, planning and treatment should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team that works closely together.
Objective: Report the multidisciplinary work in the surgical orthodontic treatment of a complex dentomaxillofacial disharmony.
Case presentation: Male patient, 19 years old, mestizo, severe skeletal class III, hyperdivergent with open bite and asymmetry of the lower third, who received presurgical treatment decompensating orthodontics. Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery was performed with ascent genioplasty.
Conclusions: The treatment of dentomaxillofacial disharmonies is complex and requires the concurrence of several specialties. For the resolution of this case, the coordinated and simultaneous work of specialists in orthodontics, dental prostheses, maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, psychology and otolaryngology was necessary. Aesthetic and functional results were achieved according to the proposed treatment objectives and there was stability one year after surgery.
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