Prevalence of actinic cheilitis in Brazilian semi-arid region farmers



Cheilitis, Epidemiology, Farmers, Oral Pathology.


Introduction: Actinic cheilitis is an inflammatory, potentially malignant lesion associated with excessive sun exposure.

Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of actinic cheilitis in a group of farmers, as well as the perception and knowledge of that group about this lesion.

Methods: The observational epidemiological study included Brazilian semi-arid region farmers. The sample was obtained for accessibility to this population and a total of 219 farmers was reached. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data in addition to the intraoral physical examination.

Results: Actinic cheilitis was diagnosed in 30.6% of the examined farmers. The lesion was found more frequently in males (86.6%), older than 60 years (64.2%), and leukoderma (58.2%). Most individuals with actinic cheilitis were exposed to solar radiation for more than 30 years (65.7%), for more than 6 hours a day (73.1%), and did not adequately protect themselves (94%). Sex, age, education level, drinking habits, and time of sun exposure had a statistically significant correlation with the presence of actinic cheilitis (p <0.05). It was found that 76.1% of the participants did not notice signs and 61.2% did not perceive symptoms of this injury. Knowledge about actinic cheilitis was low for 97% of individuals with the lesion.

Conclusions: The results showed a high prevalence of actinic cheilitis, in addition to low perception and knowledge about it, which indicates the need for health education actions.


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How to Cite

de Melo IGG, Carvalho MV, Vaz FFS, da Silva Sobrinho AR, de Oliveira NG, Duarte Filho ESD, et al. Prevalence of actinic cheilitis in Brazilian semi-arid region farmers. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];58(3):e3354. Available from:



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