Adaptation and validation of the tool Oral Health Impact Profile in Peruvian adults
oral health, quality of life, oral health surveys, psychometrics.Abstract
Introduction: Oral health-related quality of life is a relevant public health indicator. Therefore, its measurement should be performed with contextualized tools and appropriate metric techniques.
Objective: Adapt and validate the tool Oral Health Impact Profile in the quality of life of a sample of Peruvian adults.
Methods: An instrumental study was conducted of 415 adults from the province of Ica, Peru. The internal structure of the scale was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was also performed, which included robust maximum likelihood estimation. The reliability of the tool was then tested, and a comparison was finally made of the impact of oral health on quality of life, according to characterization variables.
Results: The version obtained consists of 14 items grouped into seven factors explaining 88.50% of the total variance and an acceptable fit, x2/gl = 3.72; NNFI = 0.98; CFI = 0.99; SRMR = 0.031; RMSEA = 0.081 (CI 90%: 0.070-0.093). Internal consistency of the overall scale exhibited a satisfactory index (α = 0.95), whereas the subscales showed values of α = 0.88-0.78, except for the dimension of psychological distress (α = 0.66). Discriminant validity was demonstrated by finding significant differences between sociodemographic variables and severity scores.
Conclusions: The new version of the tool has acceptable metric properties. Therefore, it may be used in future research and validation studies.
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