Enucleation of tooth cyst, associated with retained lateral incisor, and orthodontic traction of retained upper canine


  • Jimmy Antonio Ascanoa Olazo Universidad “Norbert Wiener”, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela Profesional de Odontología. Lima, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8757-5488
  • Miguel Angel Ruiz Barrueto Universidad “César Vallejo”, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Escuela Profesional de Estomatología. Piura, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3373-4671


tooth cyst, impacted tooth, enucleation.


Introduction: A drawback of permanent tooth eruption is tooth retention. A retained tooth has not completed its eruption and has not reached its normal position in the jaw. Retained teeth may be within the jaw asymptomatic or causing tooth migration, persistence of deciduous teeth, alterations in occlusion and aesthetics, formation of tooth cyst and tumors.

Objective: Describe the enucleation of dentiger cyst, associated with the lateral incisor, and orthodontic traction of retained upper canine.

Case presentation: Female patient, 19 years old, with persistence of teeth 52 and 53. Tomographically there is a right upper lateral incisor retained in a horizontal position, associated with a radiolucent image of dimensions of 11.2 mm x 20.1 mm and a canine retained in an upright position. Exodontics were performed at the flap of the lateral incisor and enucleation of the cyst. Regarding the canine, the orthodontic button was placed for subsequent traction. The definitive histopathological diagnosis was tooth cyst.

Conclusions: Lesions associated with retained teeth may have several differential diagnoses. The specialist must know the clinical and radiographic characteristics of each of them and project the treatment plan according to the criteria of location, size of the lesion, age, systemic status, among others. Knowledge of surgical technique and histopathological diagnosis avoids complications.


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Author Biographies

Jimmy Antonio Ascanoa Olazo, Universidad “Norbert Wiener”, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela Profesional de Odontología. Lima, Perú.

Cirujano Dentista. Maestro en docencia e investigación en Estomatología. Especializando en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. Docente de la catedra de Cirugía Oral y Maxiolofacial en la Universidad Universidad Norbert Wiener (Lima)  y Universidad César Vallejo (Piura). Perú.

Miguel Angel Ruiz Barrueto, Universidad “César Vallejo”, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Escuela Profesional de Estomatología. Piura, Perú.

Biólogo Microbiólogo. Maetsro en Ciencias con mensión en Microbiología clínica. Doctor en Ciencias Bimédicas. Investgador Renacyt (Código Renacyt:   P0015210). Docente de la Cátedra de Microbiología general y Estomatológica y de Desarrollo de tesis. Coordinador de Investigación en Escuela de Estomatología. Universidad César Vallejo, Piura. Perú.


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How to Cite

Ascanoa Olazo JA, Ruiz Barrueto MA. Enucleation of tooth cyst, associated with retained lateral incisor, and orthodontic traction of retained upper canine. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];59(4):e3186. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/3186



Case Report