Application of ozone therapy in the treatment of alveolitis


  • Olga Cruz Guerra Policlínico Docente Elpidio Berovides. La Habana
  • Silvia Menéndez Cepero Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas.
  • María E. Martínez Jordán Clínica Estomatológica Siboney. La Habana
  • Teresita de Jesús Clavera Vázquez Clínica Estomatológica Siboney. La Habana


dry socket, therapy, ozone, therapeutic use, antibiotics, administration oral.


The etiology of alveolitis is unknown but there are some factors increasing its incidence, such as: traumatisms, infections, the reduction of the vascular supply of the circunjacent bone and the general systemic status. Ozonized sunflower oil was used as the only drug to treat alveolitis in a group of patients, and a comparison was made with a control group in which Alvogil eas used in addition to an oral antibiotic. The sample was composed of 100 adult patients distributed at random. Cures were made every 72 hours, and there were as many visits to the dentist's office as it was required. The cure criterion taken into consideration was the formation of cicatrization tissue and the reduction or erradication of pain. 46 % of the patients were cured with Oleozon and 41 % with Alvogil. There were no significant differences between both groups. Most of the patients needed 2 or 3 visits to the dentist's office in both groups, though it was observed a higher number of patients in the group treated with ozonized oil with marked differences (p=0,004) as regards the control group. No intolerance to Oleoson was observed.


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How to Cite

Cruz Guerra O, Menéndez Cepero S, Martínez Jordán ME, Clavera Vázquez T de J. Application of ozone therapy in the treatment of alveolitis. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 1997 Apr. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];34(1):26-34. Available from:



Research Article