Clinical characterization of the temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome in patients from the "Miguel Enríquez" University Hospital


  • Pedro Ángel Peñón Vivas Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Miguel Enríquez". Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana
  • Ileana Bárbara Grau León Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad de Estomatologia "Raúl González Sánchez"
  • Humberto Sarracent Pérez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad de Estomatologia "Raúl González Sánchez"


temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular disorders, temporomandibular joint.


The temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome is a significant health problem
involving more than 50 % of the world population in any moment of the life:
manifesting more by its signs than its symptoms. The aim of present paper was to
conduct an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study to characterize the
behavior of above syndrome in 61 patients suffering this affection seen in the
"Miguel Enriquez" University Hospital from September, 2009 to February, 2010.
There was predominance of female sex (80.3 %) with relation to the male one
(19.7 %). The age group with greater representation was that of 40-49 years (29.5
%) including mainly female patients. The bilateral articular involvement was
significant (42.0 %). The initial clicks were the more frequent noise modality (41.6
%). Most of study patients had restriction of the buccal opening (91.8 %). We
conclude that there was predominance of female sex and the age group of 40-49
years, being greater the bilateral articular involvement; whereas within the study
clinical variables the restriction of the buccal opening was the more frequent.


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How to Cite

Peñón Vivas P Ángel, Grau León IB, Sarracent Pérez H. Clinical characterization of the temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome in patients from the "Miguel Enríquez" University Hospital. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];48(4):371-8. Available from:



Research Article