Odontogenic carcinoma of clear cells


  • Sergio Alberto Flores Alvarado Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Saltillo, Coahuila
  • José Morales Casas Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Saltillo, Coahuila
  • Rogelio Sepúlveda Infante Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Elías Romero de León Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, clear cell ameloblastoma, clear cell tumors, odontogenic tumors.


Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma is a rare malignant odontogenic neoplasm, with a
predilection for the anterior segment of the jaws, and presenting basically in
women between the fifth and seventh decades of life. CCOC is composed
histopathologycally by strands or groups of cells showing clear cytoplasm
associated with cells showing eosinophilic cytoplasm and some times with tall
columnar cells that resambled ameloblasts. CCOC is considered a low-grade
malignancy but in some cases its behavior is aggressive giving local and distant
metastasis, so the recommended treatment is a radical resection and follows the
patient very close. CCOC should be diferenciated microscopically from other local
and metastatic lesions that are composed with clear cells also, in order to render a
proper diagnosis and treatment. We are presenting a clinical case corresponding to
a 69 years old female patient, with a 10 year history of a slow growing anterior
mandibular lesion without lymph node or distant metastasis, with a biopsy
diagnosis of clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, the patient was treated by partial
resection of the anterior mandible and reconstructed with a titanium plate.


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How to Cite

Flores Alvarado SA, Morales Casas J, Sepúlveda Infante R, Romero de León E. Odontogenic carcinoma of clear cells. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];48(1):69-76. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/2700



Case Report