Learning needs related to oral cancer in "Isla Azul" grandparents home, Plaza de la Revolución Municipality


  • Gilda L. García Heredia Instituto de Oncología y Radiobiología Servicio de Cabeza y Cuello. La Habana
  • Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana


Elderly, prevention, oral cancer


Aging in persons it is associated with appearance or increase of stomatologic affections including the periodontal alterations, mastication dysfunction and oral cancer, this entity with the great incidence in elderlies and its prevention is a priority in Health Primary Care, thus, we conducted a research in elderlies linked to a grandparent home whose objective was to determine the learning needs related to oral hygiene in above mentioned home in 2007. A technological development, descriptive and cross-sectional research to an educational diagnosis. A survey was applied in 26 elderlies determining the learning needs by David Leyva Form. The 73 % of person polled had a qualification of deficient. In he above mentioned home we found a knowledge low level on oral cancer risk factors, the deficiencies in ways of educational information, lack of knowledge on alarming symptoms and signs in face of or oral cancer and that they not underwent the oral examination, thus considering that there are learning needs on oral cancer prevention in all features explored.


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How to Cite

García Heredia GL, Miranda Tarragó JD. Learning needs related to oral cancer in "Isla Azul" grandparents home, Plaza de la Revolución Municipality. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2009 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];46(4):79-90. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/2637



Research Article