A case of salivary heterotopic tissue associated with branchial cyst


  • Mileydis Viñas García Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana
  • Yudit Algozaín Acosta Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana
  • Eliseo Capote Leyva Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana
  • Joaquín Urbizo Vélez Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana
  • Isis Contreras Rojas Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana
  • Rafael Delgado Fernández Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, La Habana


Heterotopic salivary tissue, branchial cyst


In adult people cervical masses account for inflammatory adenopathies, congenital
malformations or in a lesser degree to neoplasms. Heterotopic salivary tissue is the
presence of salivary tissue in an abnormal place. When it has a cervical location
may to be associated with branchial anomalies apparently by its relation (both)
during the embryogeny. Due to the non-frequent of this association and the no
publication of any case in national literature, we decide a case presentation of the
case of a young patient with a cervical mass presumptively diagnosed with
branchial cyst and in surgical intervention we noted a glandular development
associated with the cystic lesion with histopathology confirmation of cervical
heterotopic salivary tissue linked to branchial cyst. We showed also the potential
theories of this association according the authors reviewed in world literature and
we confirmed the significance of to take into account this diagnosis in case of a
cervical tumor to plan the appropriate surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Viñas García M, Algozaín Acosta Y, Capote Leyva E, Urbizo Vélez J, Contreras Rojas I, Delgado Fernández R. A case of salivary heterotopic tissue associated with branchial cyst. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2009 Apr. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 4];46(2):101-7. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/2619



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