Oral health status at 5 family physician's offices of “Mella” municipality, Santiago de Cuba


  • Yanisette Mónica Calleja Martínez Clínica Estomatológica Municipal Mella, Santiago de Cuba
  • Eugenia González Heredia Clínica Estomatológica Municipal Mella, Santiago de Cuba
  • Guillermo del Valle Llagostera Clínica Estomatológica Municipal Mella, Santiago de Cuba
  • Mario Castañeda Deroncelé Clínica Estomatológica Municipal Mella, Santiago de Cuba
  • Niurka Odalmis Lao Salas Clínica Estomatológica Municipal Mella, Santiago de Cuba


oral health, systemic diseases, occlusion, periodontal diseases, coe-d index.


A descriptive and cross-sectional study on the oral health status at 5 family physicians' offices of “Mella” municipality was undertaken from January through April, 2006. The universe was composed of all the inhabitants of the area corresponding to these offices. A sample of 475 patients stratified by age groups was selected. To collect the information, it was used a modified buccodental health survey of the World Health Organization of 2003. An intraoral and extraoral physical examination was made to determine the oral health status of each individual. Males predominated with 59.3 % and the systemic diseases with the highest incidence were the respiratory diseases and arterial hypertension. The malocclusions showed a similar behavior in all the groups, among which a prevalence of the mild forms was observed. Russell's periodontal index was used to evaluate the relative prevalence of the disease. It was found that 9.5 % and 11.8 % presented mild or severe gingivits, respectively. The COP-D rate had a favorable value up to 18 years old, but it was not so in the groups 35-44 and 60-74, where the value was 11.2 and 25.0, respectively.


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How to Cite

Calleja Martínez YM, González Heredia E, del Valle Llagostera G, Castañeda Deroncelé M, Lao Salas NO. Oral health status at 5 family physician’s offices of “Mella” municipality, Santiago de Cuba. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2006 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];43(3):1-6. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/2492



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