Indirect control of the level of Streptococci mutans infection in early childhood


  • Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu Escuale Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Mirtha Herrera Nordet Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. Clínica estomatológica H y 21
  • Isabel Felipe Lazo Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. Clínica estomatológica H y 21




An experimental longitudinal study of 159 children aged 6 months-1 year was conducted to evaluate the effect of the control of the level of E. Mutans infection in the family on the children in their early childhood. After being classified according to the level of previous infection (high or low) of their mothers, the children were randomly assigned to either group T where mothers and/or relatives with high level of infection, who lived with them, were quarterly treated with 2% fluoride varnish plus 1% clorhexidine or group C, that is, the control group. Both groups received initial curing care and educational programs every 6 months. Children were not treated at all, but at 2, 2 and a half and 3 years of age, they were examined with the following results: children from mothers with previous low infection level became infected more belatedly and developed lower infection rate at 3 years-old, being the differences by age between groups very significant (x= p 0,001). Children from mothers with previous high level of infection became infected earlier. At 3 years of age, those in group C presented with high level of infection whereas those included in group T kept low and moderate infection levels; differences between groups were highly significant (x2 = p 0,001) In general, the level of infection in group T was reduced at each considered age compared to the control group, which proved that the control of level of E. Mutants infection in the family and the children in their early childhood was effective.


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How to Cite

Gispert Abreu E de los Ángeles, Herrera Nordet M, Felipe Lazo I. Indirect control of the level of Streptococci mutans infection in early childhood. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2004 May 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 4];41(2):1-5. Available from:



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