The overdenture, a valid option in Stomatology


  • Gema Lauzardo García del Prado Facultad de Estomatología. Ciudad de La Habana
  • Daya Muguercia González Facultad de Estomatología. Ciudad de La Habana
  • María Elena Gutiérrez Hernández Facultad de Estomatología. Ciudad de La Habana
  • Odalys Áreas Tabares Facultad de Estomatología. Ciudad de La Habana
  • Maritzabel Quintana Castillo Facultad de Estomatología. Ciudad de La Habana


overdenture, coating prosthesis, partial toothless, hybrid prosthesis, Telescopic denture, tooth-supported denture


Our literature review stems from the importance given to overdenture as a real choice of dental rehabilitation at the reach of general dentists and specialists to help to reduce the rate of toothless people in our population. An overdenture is a removable denture- either partial or complete- similar to conventional denture except that the bases cover one or more tooth roots retained to support it. Keeping teeth as part of the residual alveolar ridge contributes to reduce the speed of alveolar reabsorption and to maintain propioceptive pulses, which allows to preserve directional discrimination, tactile sensitivity to the load and differentiation of food thickness and consistency almost in the same way as in patients having natural dentition. Thus patients get accustomed to overdenture more easily. To preserve alveolar bone means to decrease the occurrence of trauma affecting the remaining tissue, and to increase support, retention and stability of denture. Therefore, overdenture is a rapid and preserving solution for multiple congenital and acquired defects and additionally, they are used as temporary dentures. However, caries and periodontal diseases are the main problems found in this type of dentures. The preservation of the pillars greatly depends on motivation and dexterity of the patient to maintain good oral hygiene.


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How to Cite

Lauzardo García del Prado G, Muguercia González D, Gutiérrez Hernández ME, Áreas Tabares O, Quintana Castillo M. The overdenture, a valid option in Stomatology. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2003 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 4];40(3):19-24. Available from:



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