Ozone therapy in the treatment of stomatitis subprosthesis


  • Eneida García López Facultad de Estomatología. Clínica Municipal Docente Habana Vieja. La Habana
  • Alina Roche Martínez Facultad de Estomatología. Clínica Municipal Docente Habana Vieja. La Habana
  • Antonio Osvaldo Blanco Ruiz Facultad de Estomatología. Clínica Municipal Docente Habana Vieja. La Habana
  • Luis Orlando Rodríguez García Policlínico Docente "13 de Marzo", Alamar. La Habana




Subprothesis stomatitis is the most common pathology found at the dental prosthesis service. This lesion impedes to start immediately a prosthetic rehabilitation. In order to assess the effectiveness of oleozon in the treatment of subprosthesis stomatitis, ozonized sunflower oil was applied to a group of patients. This therapeutics has ozone as an active principle and sunflower oil as a vehicle. This drug was compared with nystatin cream, which was used in the control group. The sample consisted of 154 adult patients. 60 of them presented the pathology and were applied oleozon daily in so many visits as it was necessary. The cure criterion was the disappearance of the clinical signs of the disease. 91 % were cured with oleozon and 16 % with nystatin. It was observed that the cure with oleozon was faster.


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How to Cite

García López E, Roche Martínez A, Blanco Ruiz AO, Rodríguez García LO. Ozone therapy in the treatment of stomatitis subprosthesis. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2003 May 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];40(2):21-7. Available from: https://revestomatologia.sld.cu/index.php/est/article/view/2383



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