Stomatitis subprosthesis in total edentulous patients


  • Victoria Carreira Piloto Facultad de Estomatología Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana
  • Zoraya E. Almagro Urrutia Facultad de Estomatología Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana


100 total maxillary edentelous patients and carriers of maladjusted dentures that received attention at the Prosthesis Service of the Faculty of Stomatology of the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana City were studied. The patients were examined and the palatal mucosa was directly observed in order to find macroscopic signs of denture stomatitis. Denture stomatitis was classified according to Newton’s criteria. The zone of location of the injury was determined and information about the denture-wearing habit was obtained by interviewing the patients. 70% of the studied patients had an altered mucosa with a predominance of degree II denture stomatitis in 44.3 % and degree III, with less frequency, in 21.4 %. The injury was preferably located in the middle and posterior zone of the palatine vault, for 44.3 and 34.3 %, respectively. 31 patients had the injury in the middle zone for 44.4 %. Degree II denture stomatitis prevailed in this zone for 58 %, followed by 24 patients with injury in the posterior zone (34.2 %), where the degree I predominated (58.3 %). As to the denture-wearing habit, 70 of the 100 studied patients wore thew denture continuously, whereas 25 wore it discontinuously. 62 of those who wore the prosthesis all the time had altered mucosa and among them there was a predominance of degree II stomatitis (96.8 %) and the injuries were more frequent in the middle and posterior zones, for 80.6 and 91.6 %, respectively. On relating the continuous denture-wearing habit, the zone of location of the injuries and the degreee of denture stomatitis, it was observed that in the middle zone the frequency of appareance of the injury was higher (35.8 %) and much lower in the anterior zone (8.5 %). The degree II injury prevailed in the middle zone, for 38.8 %, while the degree I injury predominated in the posterior zone, for 50 %.


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How to Cite

Carreira Piloto V, Almagro Urrutia ZE. Stomatitis subprosthesis in total edentulous patients. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2000 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];37(3):133-9. Available from:



Research Article