Endodontic approach for an autogenous dental reimplantation in an individual with cleft palate and lip
radicular resorption, endodontics, root canal treatment, dental reimplantation.Abstract
Introduction: autogenous dental reimplantation is an alternative of prosthetic, orthodontic and/or implantologic therapies for dental rehabilitation; it consists in the extraction of the dental organ and its immediate replacement into another alveolus. Success is determined by the adaptation of tissues; in the absence of this or the presence of symptoms, endodontic therapy is necessary.
Objective: to describe the endodontic treatment in reimplanted tooth, highlighting the peculiarities of the appropriate therapy and the importance of the multidisciplinary treatment.
Case presentation: this is a lower left premolar tooth that was reimplanted at the position of the upper left central incisor in an 11-year-old individual with cleft lip and palate. After two months of reimplantation, the patient reported spontaneous pain, and who was referred for endodontic evaluation. An image suggestive of periapical lesion was radiographically observed. Once the diagnostic tests were performed, the endodontic treatment was planned, a biomechanical preparation associated with intraconductive medication with calcium hydroxide. Three medication changes were made bimonthly; in the absence of signs and symptoms, the ducts were blocked. Clinical control exams were performed every six months in the first year and then annually. After 17 years of control, there is an absence of symptoms and periapical alterations, which indicates the success of the treatment.
Conclusions: in cases of autogenous dental reimplantation where there is high occurrence of external resorption, the endodontic treatment associated with medication with calcium hydroxide is an appropriate clinical behavior for the success of the therapy performed.
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