Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma arising in the mandible


  • Marcelo Marcucci Department of Stomatology. Heliópolis Hospital, São Paulo. SP
  • Karina Cecília Panelli Santos Department of Stomatology. School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo. SP
  • Juliane Pirágine Araújo Department of Stomatology. School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo. SP
  • Décio Santos Pinto Junior Department of Stomatology. School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo. SP
  • Jefferson Xavier Oliveira Department of Stomatology. School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo. SP


oral cancer, odontogenic tumor, maxillary neoplasms.


Introduction: Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma (AFS) is a rare odontogenic neoplasm and is considered the malignant counterpart of Ameloblastic Fibroma. The diagnosis is made by histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation, since the epithelial component remains benign and the mesenchymal component becomes malignant. Until 2012, only 72 cases were published in English-literature.

Objective: This article presents a case of intraoral mass at the posterior mandible of a 23 year-old female patient.

Case presentation: Panoramic radiography showed a multilocular radiolucent lesion with ill-defined borders and tooth involvement. The mandibular canal presented loss of architecture also. The computed tomography (CT) images (bone window) showed hypodense lesion leading to expansion, tapering and irregular destruction of cortical, and tooth involvement. Incisional biopsy was performed for histopathological evaluation. The results revealed a mixed lesion with epithelial and mesenchymal cellular proliferation. At immunohistochemical analysis, the mesenchymal portion was vimentin positive and the epithelial component was positive for cytokeratin AE1-AE3. It also showed p53 intense labeling in all tumorous cells. The final diagnosis was ameloblastic fibrosarcoma. The lesion was surgically excised with clear margins.

Conclusion: The radiographic appearance, even imperative for treatment planning, poorly contributed to final diagnosis, which was reached by histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluations. The treatment is still controversial, without a definition regarding chemotherapy and radiotherapy as coadjutant treatment.


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Author Biography

Karina Cecília Panelli Santos, Department of Stomatology. School of Dentistry. University of São Paulo. SP

Departamento de Estomatologia da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universiadade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Marcucci M, Panelli Santos KC, Araújo JP, Pinto Junior DS, Oliveira JX. Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma arising in the mandible. Rev Cubana Estomatol [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];53(2):71-6. Available from:



Case Report