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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Last Update May. 10th 2024

Submitted papers must not exceed 1Mb. Preprints will be taken into account for acceptance and publication. We only accept papers in Spanish or English (See policy for articles written in English).

Read the Ethical Principles of Revista Cubana de Estomatología before send any paper.

Each article submitted must be attached by the following documents:

These must be uploaded in the complementary files of each submition and not be made available to the reviewers in each case.



First page, it will contain

  • Title that must not exceed 15 words, in Spanish and English. Do not put the word "Title"
  • Full names and surnames of all the authors ordered according to their participation and include the ORCID number as a mandatory element. (The ORCID must contain, at least, the essential data such as institutions and main contributions. Authors with empty ORCID records will not be accepted)
  • Institutional affiliations of each author (NO CHARGES, STUDY DEGREES AND / OR SCIENTISTS). Following the scheme: Institution (University). Faculty. Department. City- Country. Example: University of Medical Sciences of Havana. Faculty of Medical Sciences "Victoria de Girón". Department of Comprehensive Dentistry. La Habana- Cuba.
  • The declaration of conflicts of interest and the funding source (s) is mandatory.

NOTE: All these data must be added to the OJS at time you submits the manuscript online.

Second page, will include

  • Structured summary of no more than 300 words in Spanish and English, containing the purposes, procedures or methods used, most important results and conclusions. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations.
  • Keywords: Use (;) to separate them. They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. They must contain at least 3 key words or phrases. It is recommended to use the DeCsMeSH tool.
  • If the investigation is a clinical trial, the registration number and verification thereof must be contained in the abstract.

Last page [Top]

At the end of the manuscript add the contribution of each of the authors in the research and /or preparation of the article. More information HERE. This information is exclusive for original research articles and systematic reviews / meta-analyzes from 3 authors.

The roles of authorship will be identified in the order that appears below, including each author in the role that correspond, and omitting the roles that do not proceed in each case.
Authorship contribution
1. Conceps: xxxxxx
2. Data curation: xxxxxx
3. Analysis: xxxxxx
4. Acquisition of funds: xxxxxx
5. Research: xxxxxx
6. Methodology: xxxxxx
7. Project administration: xxxxxx
8. Resources: xxxxxx
9. Software: xxxxxx
10. Supervision: xxxxxx
11. Validation: xxxxxx
12. Display: xxxxxx
13. Writing - original draft: xxxxxx
14. Drafting - revision and editing: xxxxxx

WARNING: This identification will be made exclusively for research articles.

The editorial committee reserves the right to omit authors or reduce their number in consideration of the type of research, previously previously informing the author.


The Editorials, Events, Obituaries and Acknowledgments of the journal, will be commissioned or will be in charge of the members of the editorial committee.

Letter to the editor [Top]

Allows readers of a magazine to express their comments, questions or criticisms about articles published in it

  • A critical judgment is issued about a medical fact in the public domain.
  • Opinion about some aspects of the editorial policy of the magazine
  • Some aspects of a work recently published in the journal are expanded, interpreted or explained.
  • The results of a study are discussed or methodological flaws or interpretations of the results of a work recently published in the journal are pointed out.
  • A clinical or experimental finding not previously described in the literature can be reported
  • It should not cover more than two pages
  • It will not have more than 5 references.


  • Title
  • Name and surname to whom it is addressed and below its position on the editorial committee
  • Text
  • Name and surname of the author and below his curricular level and his email

Bibliographical references if there were

Research articles [Top]

4500 words will be accepted, including bibliographic references and up to 5 tables and figures.

Structured summary

  • Motivating introduction (synthesis).
  • Objectives.
  • Universe, sample, method for obtaining the master size and selection of subjects.
  • Procedures used.
  • Most relevant results
  • Conclusions or global considerations.
  • Keywords. (Described in the section of the second page of the manuscript)

Introduction: 1 or 2 pages..

  • Brief general explanation of the problem.
  • Research Problem.
  • Background.
  • Current status of the subject
  • Objectives of the study: clear, precise, measurable (Not valid for qualitative research), achievable, in correspondence with the type of study.


  • Type of study.
  • Universe and sample. in synthesis, ex. 100 subjects by multi-stage stratified sampling and simple random method.
  • Criteria for the selection of subjects if relevant. Center (s) and Institution (s) of provenance where the data was recorded.
  • Variables used in the study. (Not valid for qualitative investigations)
  • Mention to the ethical aspects in synthesis.
  • Techniques and procedures for obtaining information.
  • Processing and analysis techniques. The research data must be attached in the complementary files, mentioned in the text of the article and limited to the repository reference suggested in our data sharing policy.
  • This section is written in the past tense (measured, counted, etc.)
  • Ethical aspects. The submitted research must comply with all ethical statements for the types of studies, either in humans or animals. (Declaration of Helsinki)


  • In relation to the study objectives. Do not use decimals with periods (.), Use commas (,)
  • No more than 5 tables, graphs and / or figures.


  • Do not repeat the figures of the results of the investigation.
  • Interpretation of the study objectives.
  • Discuss the limitations of the study, taking into account possible sources of bias or imprecision.
  • Comparison with other studies. The possible causes of the differences found between the expected and observed results are explored.
  • Argumentation.
  • Conclusions or global considerations. Coherence between the objectives, design of the study and the results of the analysis. Placed at the end of the article, in the form of a paragraph, without numbering or bullets.
  • The practical utility of the intervention as a whole is considered and the contributions of this study are suggested for future studies on interventions for improvement.

Bibliographic references. 55% from the last 5 years. (No more than 30 current references in relation with theme)

Systematic Reviews or Meta-analysis [Top]

Up to 6000 words will be accepted, not including bibliographic references and tables and figures.

Only systematic reviews and meta-analysis will be accepted. The papers should follow the structure of the COCHRANE or PRISMA guidelines.

The research data must be attached in the complementary files, mentioned in the text of the article and limited to the repository reference suggested in our data sharing policy.

Cochrane Handbook for systematic reviews of interventions:

Other references

Bibliographic references. 75% update

Case report [Top]

Up to 3 500 words will be accepted, including bibliographic references and tables and figures.

Case reports have to follow the CARE standard for their acceptance. We advise the authors to strictly abide by the document cited in this link.

Bibliographic references. 55% update. (No more than 15 current references in relation with theme)

Current vision [Top]

Up to 4500 words will be accepted, including bibliographic references, 3 tables and figures.

Points of view, comments or opinions authorized on a topic of current interest.
Summary of the point of view comment or opinion.

  • Explain subject to present in synthesis.
  • Questions, relevance or objective (s) of the topic.
  • Main comments
  • Global considerations.

Exposition of the comment or opinion

  • Introduction to the topic.
  • Questions, relevance or objective (s) of the topic.
  • Exhibition of the subject with clarity, precision, coherence and positioning of the author (s).
  • Final considerations or global considerations. Coherence between the objectives and the results of the analysis and the presented topic. Placed at the end of the article, in the form of a paragraph, without numbering or bullets.

Bounded bibliographical references * (No more than 15 current references in relation with theme)

Brief report[Top]

Up to 1 500 words will be accepted.

Brief reports are similar to original research in that they follow the same rigor, format and guidelines, but are designed for small-scale research or research that is in early stages of development. These may include preliminary studies that utilize a simple research design or a small sample size and that have produced limited pilot data and initial findings that indicate need for further investigation. Brief reports are much shorter than manuscripts associated with a more advanced, larger-scale research project.

The research data must be attached in the complementary files, mentioned in the text of the article and limited to the repository reference suggested in our data sharing policy.

Bounded bibliography * (No more than 15 current references in relation with theme)

Magisterial conferences [Top]

6,000 words will be accepted without including the bibliographical references, 3 tables and figures.

By order or presentation of teachers with higher teaching status.

  • Structured summary
  • Brief introduction
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Exhibition of the subject with clarity, precision and coherence.
  • Final considerations.
  • Bounded bibliography. 75% update. (No more than 20 current references in relation with theme)

History of Dentistry [Top]


  • Events or past events.
  • Objectives of the historical aspect to be treated.
  • Ways to review the story.
  • Research methods and sub-methods employed.
  • Citation of the sources.
  • Short exposition of the narrative and final considerations consistent with the objectives.


  • Review past events.
  • Express objectives of the historical aspect to be treated.

Type of history: universal, general, national or private, provincial, local, institutional, genealogical, biographical and autobiographical.

Mention ways to review the story, example:

  • Chronicle: exposes what happened.
  • Ephemerides: refers to the story for days.
  • Decades: review what happened in a period of ten years.
  • Memories: narration of facts by someone who participated in the events.
  • Essay: the facts are exposed with the highest methodological rigor in the search and interpretation.

Methods and Sub-methods used in the study
Declaration of the method, example:

  • Analytical - Synthetic: reveals and analyzes the events to know their possible roots and then synthesizes to reconstruct and explain it.
  • Deductive-Inductive: method of reasoning that goes from the general to the particular and then completes the particular to the general.

Declaration of the sub-method, example:

  • Chronological: narrates facts by successive order of dates.
  • Geographical: deals with events by geographical situation.
  • Ethnographic: relates the historical facts by ethnic groups, nationalities, religions, cultural manifestations, etc.
  • Other auxiliary sciences: archeology (monuments), paleography (ancient writings), epistemology or gnoseology (knowledge theory), numismatics (old and modern coins and medals), diplomatics (diplomas and official documents), sigilography or esfragistics (minuses of institutions or people and the signs of the scribes), heraldic (shields of countries, provinces, municipalities and families), genealogy (families), iconography (photographs), philately (postage stamps), anthropology (man).

Declare the sources, example: documents, books, pamphlets and articles, testimonies (memories of participants in historical events), traditions of the peoples.
Exposure of the narrative: commentary, analysis and comparison of historical facts and final considerations consistent with the objectives placed at the end of the article, in the form of a paragraph, without numbering or bullets.

Bounded bibliographical references. (No more than 20 references in relation with theme)

Bibliographical references and form of quotation[Top]

  • Narrow the text, with Arabic numerals in exponential (superscript) with parentheses, after the punctuation marks. Example: ....dentistry in the world.(1,2,3,4,5)
  • The bibliographic style is that of Vancouver. These standards are available at the following URL:
  • It is considered updated when publications of the last 5 years are published for articles in scientific journals and 10 years of books. The % is specified for each type of article.
  • Quotations of documents published in peer-reviewed, relevant and updated journals will be included. The mention of personal communications and unpublished documents such as thesis and websites should be avoided. Preferably use journal references indexed in SciELO, Scopus, WOS or Pubmed.
  • All the authors of the cited text will be related; If you have 7 or more authors, the first 6 will be mentioned, followed by "et al." The titles of the journals will be abbreviated by the Index Medicus (List of journals indexed in Index Medicus).
  • No elements will be highlighted with capitalization or underlining.
  • Avoid self-citations which will be taken into account for the evaluation of each article by editors.

EndNote Resources [Top]
If you use EndNote as a bibliographic manager. You can download the style to publish with the standards of any of the Cuban medical journals. You only have to take into account the following details in the "electronic magazine articles" references:

  • In the "Page" box, you have to modify the original numbering and place the number of pages that the article and not the numbering range in the printed publication.
  • The "Date Cited" box must contain the date you are scheduled to appear properly in the references.

You can download the style here. Once you do, copy the content (Vancouver Cuba.ens) to the installation folder of your program on the path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ EndNote X9 \ Styles *
* This route may change depending on the operating system being used.

Tables [Top]

  • The total of the figures and tables will not exceed 5 for the original and revision articles. They will be up to 3 for the presentation of cases, brief communications, current vision, conferences etc.
  • They will be presented interspersed in the article, vertically numbered consecutively.
  • The title of the table must correspond appropriately with its content. The information they present must justify their existence. Do not repeat information already indicated in the text.
  • The tables will be adjusted to the format of the publication and the publisher will be able to modify them if they present technical difficulties. They should not exceed 580 pixels in width.
  • Decimal numbers must be composed of commas "," and not points "."
  • All the tables and annexes must have their title and the source of the data represented, as long as they do not come from databases and personal information that the author uses and cites in their methods; in which case the source is omitted.

Figures and photographs[Top]

  • Photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams, maps, other graphic representations and non-linear formulas will be called figures and will have consecutive Arabic numerals.
  • Only those that are necessary and pertinent will be presented.
  • The photographs will be presented with sufficient clarity and contrast and with a dimension that is perceptible to the human eye. All will be mentioned in the text and must be accompanied by your foot or explanatory note.
  • Photographs not belonging to the author must contain the source of the same.
  • If the articles have images or figures, it is mandatory the presentation of these high-resolution files as complementary.


  • The graphics must be included in an editable format to make editorial adjustments in the process of layout of the articles. Avoid presenting them in image formats (JPG, GIF, etc.)
  • The titles to the foot and if necessary declare the use of external sources.

Abbreviations and acronyms [Top]

  • They will not be used in the summary or in the title.
  • They will precede your full name the first time they appear in the text.
  • The ones of international use will be used.
  • International System of Units (SI). All clinical laboratory results will be reported in SI units or allowed by it. If you want to add the traditional units, they will be written in parentheses. Example: glycemia: 5.55 mmol / L (100mg / 100 mL).

The Cuban Journal of Dentistry is subject to the Creative Commons License Non Comercial-Atribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.